1.12 Sale of Products or Services

1.12 Sale of Products or Services danim94751


In no way may activities authorized under this regulation be construed to allow sales to reach a degree or scope so as to be interpreted as being "unfair competition" with local private enterprise.

AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, January 7, 2002

ADOPTED into Governance, September 24, 1996
AMENDED Motion No. 8894
AMENDED Motion No. 8895
AMENDED Motion No. 8896

Founding Source:
Governing Board Minutes, July 31, 1979, Motion No. 4302


Prior to participating in the sale of products or services, Revenue and Expenditure categories must be included in a program's budget, and approved by the Governing Board during the annual budget adoption process, or as legally changed during a fiscal year.

AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, January 7, 2002

ADOPTED into Governance, September 24, 1996
AMENDED Motion No. 8894
AMENDED Motion No. 8895
AMENDED Motion No. 8896

Founding Source:
Governing Board Minutes, July 31, 1979, Motion No. 4302


Fees exchanged for products or services produced through an educational, training, or service activity shall be pre-approved by the Governing Board.

AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, January 7, 2002

ADOPTED into Governance, September 24, 1996
AMENDED Motion No. 8894
AMENDED Motion No. 8895
AMENDED Motion No. 8896

Founding Source:
Governing Board Minutes, July 31, 1979, Motion No. 4302