4.2 Employee Safety and Health Program
4.2 Employee Safety and Health Program danim94751Per Arizona Revised Statute §23-403, each employer shall furnish to each of its employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to its employees. Each employer shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all regulations and orders issued pursuant to this article.
ARS §23-404 requires each employee to comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this article which are applicable to its own actions and conduct.
The Maricopa County Community College District (“District”) places a high priority on the safety and health and of its employees, and regards safety and health as a fundamental value of the institution. The District is committed to supporting the safety and health of its employees by instituting and maintaining a program that provides adequate systemic policies, procedures, and practices to protect their employees from, and allow them to recognize, job-related safety and health hazards. To that end:
- The Chancellor and each College President shall be charged with the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and maintain a written employee safety and health plan for the district office and the colleges, respectively. This plan, which will be prepared using a template created by the district risk manager, shall include the following elements:
- Management Commitment and Employee Involvement
- Worksite Analysis
- Hazard Prevention and Control
- Safety and Health Training
- Each college and the District Office shall submit its plan to the District Risk Manager for review and approval by January 1 of every year.
- Each college and the District Office shall report key performance indicators to the District Risk Manager by January 1 of every year. These reports should also highlight what the colleges and the District Office are doing, what remains to be done, and what additional assistance and resources are needed.
- The District Risk Manager shall submit an annual report to the Chancellor and the Chancellor’s Executive Council that summarizes the colleges’ and the District Offices’ progress towards meeting their safety and health program goals and objectives for the previous year as well as goals and objectives for the coming years. This report shall be submitted by March 1 of each year.
AMENDED per the approved process for Administrative Regulations on June 4, 2009
Language replaces the former Occupational Safety and Health Regulation
ADOPTED April 9, 2001 per the approved process for Administrative Regulations.
Regulation replaced the former Civil Defense & Planning Guide