3.3 Academic Advising

3.3 Academic Advising danim94751
  1. Mission 

    The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in their pursuit of meaningful educational programs that will help them in fulfilling their life goals, including career considerations.


    Furthermore, advising assists the institution in program and policy development or modification by providing information gained from the relationship between advisors and students.

  2. Program 

    Services to individual students should include providing accurate information; assisting students in realizing academic capabilities and in developing an educational plan consistent with their life goals and objectives; and when appropriate, making referrals to other institutional or community support services.

    Services to the college should include providing information to the institution, college and/or academic department about students, their educational needs, successes, aspirations, and problems in order to strengthen programs and services. Academic advisors will also be an information resource to college faculty and staff regarding programs, policies and procedures.

    Each institution will identify delivery methods appropriate to its individual needs.

  3. Organization and Administration

    Each institution will select, define and administer an academic advisement program/model.

    The academic advising system will be fully integrated into other processes of the institution.

  4. Human Resources

    Each institution will provide adequate leadership and qualified staff to attain the purposes and goals of its academic advising program.

  5. Funding 

    The budget request will address staffing and other costs to ensure that quality advisement services are available to all students. A good faith effort will be made to fund those activities at a reasonable level.

  6. Facilities 

    Adequate facilities will be conveniently located, and geographically and/or technologically accessible to students, faculty and staff. The environment must be conducive to the psychological and physical comfort of both the student and the staff.

  7. Ethics 

    All persons involved in providing advising services must be aware of and comply with the provisions contained in the District Code of Ethics and other Board policies.

  8. Facilities 

    Adequate facilities will be conveniently located, and geographically and/or technologically accessible to students, faculty and staff. The environment must be conducive to the psychological and physical comfort of both the student and the staff.

  9. Training 

    Initial training for all employees who are delivering academic advising services should be uniform and coordinated on a district-wide basis. The training should include components on requisite advising information, interpersonal aspects of advising, and purpose and intent of advising. Ongoing campus-based updates will be available to advising staff.

  10. Evaluation 

    A systematic program review and evaluation of the academic advising program will be developed and implemented every three years, with periodic reports to the Governing Board. Results of these regular evaluations must be used in revising and improving the program goals and their implementation.

ADOPTED into Governance, September 24, 1996
AMENDED Motion No. 8894
AMENDED Motion No. 8895
AMENDED Motion No. 8896

Founding Source:
Governing Board Minutes, September 24, 1991, Motion No. 7655