AS-5 Acceptable Standards for District-Wide Message Posting

AS-5 Acceptable Standards for District-Wide Message Posting danim94751

The MCCCD email system was established to link our community of 10 colleges, centers and the District Office. Presently, we have over 18,000 members on the distribution lists that are used to post messages district-wide. The lists are provided as a courtesy for communicating essential messages related to college or district operations. Further, the email system is considered to be a public resource that requires exercising responsible stewardship for its use. Thus, Standards of Practice have been established by the Chancellor to authorize college-identified designees to post messages and general announcements to the following distribution lists: DL-MARICOPA-BUSINESS and DL-MARICOPA- ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Each college will identify designees who will act as authorized senders on behalf of a program, process, group, or department officially sanctioned to post messages for their college-approved function. Although this group of persons may act as their own review, the Standards of Practice herein still apply. An example of persons that may be appropriate for this group are division chairs, marketing directors, theater directors, training development managers, diversity coordinators, policy group campus representatives, or other individuals whose official function regularly includes both planned or unplanned communication to the entire MCCCD community.

Additionally, each college shall identify designees who may or may not be members of the authorized senders described above, who will review messages sent on behalf of a college program or activity prior to posting. Parties that seek to have a message posted district-wide to either list must submit the message to the appropriate designee.

The Standards serve to supplement, but not replace the existing administrative regulations for Electronic Communications and Technology Resource Standards and are as follows:

  1. Neither distribution list shall serve as a discussion forum for personal exchange, but instead shall be used to post messages that are applicable and necessary to carry out district or college operations.
  2. The DL-MARICOPA-BUSINESS list was established for the exclusive purpose of notifying all employees of matters that are essential to conduct the administrative, academic and functional operations of the Maricopa County Community College District. Posting messages to this list is strictly limited and the messages should have applicability to all employees. Electronic messages, links and attachments that are appropriate to post to this distribution list include system-wide instructional and curricular issues, human resources matters (i.e., employment postings from the employment department that are posted on behalf of all locations, compensation and benefits), mandatory employee training, Governing Board meeting dates and agendas, safety alerts, legal or statutory compliance, internal policies and regulations, functional operations (i.e., system outages, virus alerts) and Chancellor communications to the employee community.
  3. Messages that are otherwise related to general announcements for college or district sponsored events and activities or other student-organized events should be posted to the DL-MARICOPA-ANNOUNCEMENTSdistribution list. Examples include: course offerings, temporary work assignments, theater productions and college newsletters.
  4. sponsorship includes activity where an employee is acting or serving as an agent on behalf of the MCCCD and within the course and scope of his her employment as the organizer of the activity, or where MCCCD as an entity is actively involved in the planning and managing of the event.
  5. Messages will be reviewed by authorized senders/designees according to their applicability for posting to either the DL-Maricopa-Business or DL-Maricopa-Announcements list.
  6. Messages that serve the purpose of announcing a college activity or event shall contain the following: College location, name of department, division, department or employee organization sponsoring the activity, point of contact.
  7. Messages on behalf of external organizations that have requested that an event or activity be announced require review by the appropriate college or district designee to establish the institutional linkage. For organizations that are located on site at a college or affiliated as a formal partner, the partnership or affiliation should be noted within the message (either as a footnote or within the text of the message). An example would be an agency where a college or district has a formal partnership but is not considered to be a sponsor of the activity or a service learning project. Examples of this are the Boomerz program at SCC and the Girls for a Change program at GWC.
  8. Messages of a commercial or personal nature (i.e., personal ticket sales, general holiday style greetings, last name changes) should not be posted to either distribution. Likewise, courses or workshops for an external institution where an employee serves as the instructor and will be paid for teaching the course are also prohibited. With respect to name changes, parties may send notice on a limited basis to those individuals that they work directly with.
  9. Targeted Messages – in all instances, employees are first encouraged to identify the target audience for the information being shared. Some messages may be appropriate to send to limited distribution lists – such as notices for conferences or professional growth opportunities. In these cases, the Maricopa Directory can be used to identify established distribution lists according to department or discipline.
  10. Often in determining the applicability of posting a message to a broad audience, or whether or not the item is considered “Maricopa Business,” the “photo copy” test is used. Is this an activity that we would use monetary funds to photo copy and distribute via inter-campus mail? If not, the message should not be distributed electronically.
  11. Parties seeking to have a message posted should submit the item to the appropriate college designee as early as two weeks prior to either the event, but otherwise in a reasonable time prior to the event to facilitate an adequate review of their proposed content.
  12. Frequency – Any individual message should be sent a minimal numbers of times to both have a reasonable opportunity to achieve a desired aim, but not so frequent as to become an annoyance. While no specific limit is in place, senders may consider twice as a reasonable limit.
  13. Images and Links – Images and links that are contained in messages are limited to acceptable use standards that are outlined in the Technology Resource Standards Administrative Regulation. Likewise style and documentation guidelines shall be utilized when incorporating images and links within an outgoing message. While no formal directives exist regarding message format, size or style, the limit imposed by the MEMO system for maximum message size is 800KB. Also, any imbedded links should be relevant to the approved content, or education related, or district/college sponsored or district/college affiliated web sites or material. Links that are presented for reference purposes should be evaluated as to whether the source follows internet research guidelines. Guidelines for evaluating whether a link may be transmitted include but are not limited to: accuracy & legitimacy (is the source considered scholarship or propaganda), currency, neutrality, verifiability, presentation of alternate views, descriptions of the limitations of the data or research.
  14. In all instances, messages should adhere to the guidelines established in the Electronic Communications and Technology Resource Standards administrative regulations that are featured in the Blue Book and online at
  15. The standards apply regardless if the posting to a distribution list is initiated from a computer located on or off campus. Likewise, combining individual distribution lists to all employee groups (i.e., DL-MAT, DL-PSA, DL-FEC, etc.) for the purpose of submitting messages to all email users, or circumventing the DL-MARICOPA-BUSINESS or DL-MARICOPA-ANNOUNCEMENTS lists is considered to be an action that is subject to these standards.
  16. Matters that relate to concerns about the organization itself should be vetted through appropriate channels which include employee group leadership, the employee ombudsperson, College Presidents, Vice Chancellors, the Chancellor and the Governing Board as necessary.
  17. The practices outlined within these standards are meant to address the protocol for posting messages district-wide to all locations and all employees. Employee and constituency groups are encouraged to develop their own standards that direct the appropriate posting of messages to their self-maintained distribution lists.
  18. Enforcement – Consistent with the Electronic Communications administrative regulation, supervisors, college presidents or their designees should take necessary steps to ensure that employees under their supervision have notice of, and will comply with the regulations and any protocols of the MCCCD electronic communications network, as issued by the associate Vice Chancellor of Information Technology, college president or designee. Issues related to enforcement of policy will be addressed in accordance with established processes in job group policy manuals.
  19. Questions related to the Standards or guidance in evaluating a message prior to posting, may be directed to at the District Office.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, August 30, 2023

Commonly Used Distribution List Addresses

Commonly Used Distribution List Addresses  
Description of List Email
Academic Advising Council (DAAC)
Achieving a College Education - ACE - Program Directors
Adjunct Faculty Professional Growth Campus Representatives
Adjunct Music Instructors
Administrative Services Vice Presidents
All - Mathfac
All Adjunct Faculty Members
All Counselors at MCCD
All Fine Arts Faculty
All Librarians
All MAT Employees
Art department chairs or division chairs that supervise art programs,
depending upon the structure of each college
Asian Pacific Islander (Employees) Association
Associate Deans of Student Services
Athletic Eligibility Clerk
Audit and Finance Committee
Capital Dev. Advisory Council
Chancellors Fin. Adv. Council
Collaborative Policy Development
College Cashier Officers
College Presidents
Directors of Admissions & Records
Directors of Buildings and Grounds
Disability Managers Council DL
District Athletic Committee
District ITS Leadership Team
District Student Academic Achievement Assessment Committee
District Wide List of Nursing Directors and Campus Deans
FAC Joint Committee
Faculty Exec Council
Financial Aid Council
Financial Aid Directors
Financial Aid Offices
Fine Arts ART Faculty
Fiscal Agents Only
Fitness Center Managers
For the AACHE Group
Governing Board Mailing List
Human Resources Core (Colleges)
Human Resources (HR) Executive Leadership Council
Instructional Council Chairs
IR Council
IR Directors (District Wide)
Library Collection Development
Library Digital Group
Maricopa Adjunct Faculty Association
Maricopa All Faculty List
Marketing & Public Relations Personnel
Marketing Staff
Members of AFA Board
Occupational Deans
Professional Staff Association
Public Safety
Safety Directors - Chiefs
Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs
VP's Student Affairs
Wellness Coordinators

For assistance in updating a distribution list, please contact your local IT Department.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, August 30, 2023

Directory Search Instructions

Open your internet browser to

  1. Under the “Basic Search” category in the “Name” box, enter a descriptor: “dl-(descriptor for the dl you’re looking for)”. For example, if you are looking for the dl for faculty, then type in “dl-fac”. This will produce results for all dl’s containing “fac” in the addresses. Various employee groups and councils can be identified via the use of this tool.
  2. Once you find the distribution list that you are looking for in the search results, highlight the address and select the “Show Properties” box. This will bring up a new window with a detailed list of all the members along with a description of the list.

College Designees List

Contact Office of Public Stewardship for information about designees.