2.1 Treatment of Students

2.1 Treatment of Students danim94751

The Chancellor shall create and enable conditions that are fair, dignified, safe, and timely for students and those applying to be students.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that compliance will be demonstrated when:

  • The District operates with written policies and procedures for all students regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age, orientation, religion, disability, or other protected status and that set forth student conduct expectations and responsibilities while providing for effective handling of grievances and appeals.
  • 100% of students shall have access to the written policies and procedures of the District (either electronically or in hard copy format) that set forth expectations for student conduct and responsibilities, and that address the treatment of students including regulations for Student Rights & Responsibilities, and that provide for effective handling of grievances and appeals, Student Records, and Non-Discrimination policies. These relevant policies that directly impact students are referred to as the Catalog Common Pages. Access to written policies and procedures includes posting on college and District websites as well as complying with all legally mandated annual disclosures and compliance statements. 
  • 100% of employees that have access to student data and information as part of their job duties and responsibilities shall be trained in the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other rules that pertain to the protection of personally identifiable information such as Red Flag Rules, FERPA privacy blocks, disclosure of information, and the Solomon Amendment.  

Compliance will also be demonstrated when conditions that are unfair, undignified, unsafe, untimely, or unnecessarily intrusive are dealt with quickly, effectively and through policies and procedures that comply with Federal and State laws, and that provide the requisite elements of due process and fundamental fairness. 


AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED November 26, 2013
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814