4.2 Manner of Governing
4.2 Manner of Governing danim94751The Board will govern lawfully, in a manner that is nonpartisan, with an emphasis on a) integrity and truthfulness in all of its activities and practices, b) outward vision, c) encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, d) strategic leadership, e) clear distinction between Board and Chancellor roles, f) collective rather than individual decisions, and g) proactive leadership.
More specifically:
- The Board will operate in all ways mindful of its civic trusteeship obligation to those who own the organization, the residents of Maricopa County.
- The Board will conduct itself in a manner that complies with all relevant laws and regulations. The Board will fulfill all of its legal and fiduciary responsibilities as required by state statutes, the Arizona Constitution, and all state administrative rules. These include responsibilities such as approval of the budget; tuition and fees; degrees, certificates and diplomas; graduation requirements; curriculum catalog policies; and travel regulations and procedures upon recommendation from the Chancellor.
- The Board will cultivate a sense of group responsibility and shall work together harmoniously in pursuit of this obligation. The Board will conduct its business in a respectful and civil manner, always mindful of the Maricopa County Community College District's public image.
- The Board will carefully establish performance standards and expectations for the district through articulation of written governing policies. The Board's major focus will be on the achievement of intended long term impacts outside the operating organization, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those results, except as they conflict with statutory law.
- Through these policies, the Board will establish and adhere to expectations for its own conduct, addressing matters such as attendance, policy making principles, respect of roles, respect for democratic processes, speaking to management and the public with one voice, and ensuring the continuity of governance capability.
- Continual Board development will include periodic discussion of its governing performance, orientation of new members in the Board's governance process and these policies, and annual Board review of both the Board's and the Chancellor's progress in light of the Board's performance expectations.
- The Board may use the expertise of individual members to enhance the Board's understanding of issues, but will not substitute such expertise for the judgment of the Board.
- The Board will keep well-informed about relevant global and local educational trends and other issues, by actively gathering information and attendance at appropriate workshops and conferences to fulfill its role.
- The Board will govern with appreciation of the diversity of our internal and external communities. Diversity is defined as the environment created within Maricopa that demonstrates equity and mutual respect of each person.
- All of the Board's governing policies are contained in this document, and they remain in effect, unless amended or deleted by Board action.
- Although the Board can change its governing policies at any time, it will conscientiously observe those currently in effect.
- The Board will allow no officer, individual, or Board Committee to prevent, or be an excuse for, the Board not fulfilling its duties and commitments.
- The Board will regularly evaluate and strive to improve its process and performance. Self-assessment will compare Board activity and discipline to the Board's performance criteria set forth in the "Governance Process" and "Board-Staff Relations" sections of these governing policies.
- The Board will reserve authority to approve the following types of agreements:
- Cooperative agreements with outside entities requiring a significant commitment of District funds or that may impair the District's bonding capacity.
- Leases involving a commitment of the District's funds in excess of the annual amount specified in Arizona Revised Statute ยง15-1444B-2 [or in excess of a total of $300,000 over the original term].
- Contracts for District-wide services for insurance, bookstores, and food service.
- Real property leases or continuous use of District property by outside entities for commercial activity or for any activity that substantially increases the potential liability for the District or may impair its bonding capacity.
- Dual enrollment agreements where an intergovernmental agreement is not required.
- Contracts in which the legal authority to proceed is not explicit in statute or confirmed through case law or Attorney General's opinion.
- Purchases described below:
- A construction contract or construction consulting services contract, including those for architects and engineers, exceeding $250,000.
- Any purchase of a single piece of information technology equipment or software exceeding $250,000.
- Any purchase of services exceeding $250,000, other than recurring annual services for support of District-wide systems or operations such as utilities, equipment, or software maintenance.
- Purchases or sale of real property.
- Agreements that by law must have Governing Board approval.
TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782