2, Chancellor Responsibilities and Interpretations

2, Chancellor Responsibilities and Interpretations danim94751

2.0 General Chancellor Conduct

2.0 General Chancellor Conduct danim94751

General Chancellor Conduct

The Chancellor shall follow commonly accepted higher education, business, and professional ethics and practices.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District shall have multiple measures of internal controls in place in order to increase employee awareness of expected professional and ethical practices and to conduct oversight to mitigate the occurrence of unlawful and imprudent activity.

Compliance will be demonstrated when:

  1. 90% of all employees have completed mandatory training on Public Sector Employment and Public Stewardship & Ethics.
  2. An enterprise risk management approach is implemented that encompasses compliance with the law, policy, and administrative regulations.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.1 Treatment of Students

2.1 Treatment of Students danim94751

The Chancellor shall create and enable conditions that are fair, dignified, safe, and timely for students and those applying to be students.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that compliance will be demonstrated when:

  • The District operates with written policies and procedures for all students regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age, orientation, religion, disability, or other protected status and that set forth student conduct expectations and responsibilities while providing for effective handling of grievances and appeals.
  • 100% of students shall have access to the written policies and procedures of the District (either electronically or in hard copy format) that set forth expectations for student conduct and responsibilities, and that address the treatment of students including regulations for Student Rights & Responsibilities, and that provide for effective handling of grievances and appeals, Student Records, and Non-Discrimination policies. These relevant policies that directly impact students are referred to as the Catalog Common Pages. Access to written policies and procedures includes posting on college and District websites as well as complying with all legally mandated annual disclosures and compliance statements. 
  • 100% of employees that have access to student data and information as part of their job duties and responsibilities shall be trained in the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other rules that pertain to the protection of personally identifiable information such as Red Flag Rules, FERPA privacy blocks, disclosure of information, and the Solomon Amendment.  

Compliance will also be demonstrated when conditions that are unfair, undignified, unsafe, untimely, or unnecessarily intrusive are dealt with quickly, effectively and through policies and procedures that comply with Federal and State laws, and that provide the requisite elements of due process and fundamental fairness. 


AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED November 26, 2013
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

2.2 Treatment of Faculty and Staff

2.2 Treatment of Faculty and Staff danim94751

The Chancellor will create and enable conditions for Faculty and Staff that are fair, safe, and dignified, in compliance with all Federal and State laws.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that it is the responsibility of Maricopa executives, supervisors, and employees to work together to create and maintain a workplace where all employees feel safe, respected, valued, and accountable to do their best work.

Compliance with this interpretation will be demonstrated when: 

  • Written policy manuals for all employees are adopted through a collaborative process.
  • Policies and Regulations are adopted that govern a fair and equitable workplace including those related to equal employment opportunity, workplace violence, whistleblower protection, and disability accommodations.
  • The District follows and acts upon the data collected in an Affirmative Action Plan.
  • Employees have access to an ombudsman and anonymous reporting service.
  • Employees are provided with access to relevant policies that relate to equal employment opportunity, Title IX, OSHA, TITLE VII (EEO/AA), and general employee and District policies and procedures.

Compliance will also be demonstrated through the timely and effective manner in which employment matters are addressed, and the policies and procedures that comply with Federal and State laws, and that provide the requisite elements of due process.  

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.3 Interactions With the Public / Other Constituents

2.3 Interactions With the Public / Other Constituents danim94751

The Chancellor will create and enable conditions (procedures, decisions, interactions) that are fair, safe, and dignified with respect to the District's constituents in its respective communities. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District Office and the Colleges will engage with the citizens of Maricopa County and community partners through such measures as community advisory councils/committees and community forums that seek to gather input. They shall also respond to concerns and complaints through formal mechanisms outlined in policy, and informal mechanisms (via web-based mechanisms) such as the Chancellor's webpage or the informal services of the Citizen's Ombudsperson.

Compliance will also be demonstrated when procedures, decisions, or interactions that are unfair, undignified, or unresponsive and that have been noticed and substantiated through established grievance processes are addressed in a timely and effective manner. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.4 Financial Condition and Activities

2.4 Financial Condition and Activities danim94751

The Chancellor shall ensure that the District (A) is in compliance with Local, State, and Federal laws and (B) does not risk fiscal jeopardy. The Chancellor shall not allow a material deviation of actual expenditures from the Board's priorities. 

TECHNICAL CHANGES approved June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District will operate within a system of internal controls. Compliance is demonstrated by following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and when the following activities occur: 

  1. No expenditure for funds of more than has been received and carried forward in the fiscal year.
  2. No occurrence of inter-fund transfers in amounts that would cause a deficit fund balance in any fund. 
  3. No occurrence in any fiscal year of District expenditures or indebtedness in an amount that reduces the ending General Fund balance to less than ten percent of General Fund revenues recognized during the fiscal year without Governing Board approval. 
  4. Payroll and other District debts or obligations are settled in a timely manner. Timeliness is contingent upon the transaction. 
  5. Tax payments or other government-ordered payments or filings are submitted accurately and on time. 
  6. No transfers of $50,000.00 or more from Governing Board contingency fund without Governing Board approval. The Governing Board President can approve transfers for less than $50,000.00 or those required in an emergency. Emergency uses of $50,000.00 or more require ratification of the Governing Board at a subsequent meeting. 

AMENDED at the Governing Board Meeting of October 24, 2023

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED May 22, 2018, Motion No. 10567

AMENDED by Direct Chancellor Approval, June 16, 2015

AMENDED November 26, 2013

ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

2.5 Asset Protection

2.5 Asset Protection danim94751

The Chancellor shall ensure that institutional assets are protected, adequately mantained, and not exposed to unnecessary risk.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the MCCCD will be operated with an adequate system of internal controls, both accounting and administrative, that are sufficient to meet Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and auditing standards. Compliance will be met when:

  • An organizational governance structure is implemented that allows for independent assessment & reporting to the Chancellor or the Board as appropriate. This includes mechanisms to identify when conditions exist and processes for the institution to respond appropriately.
  • Investment or reinvestment of moneys received by the District will occur in a manner allowed under the laws of the State of Arizona.
  • The District's public image and credibility are not endangered.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.6 Financial Planning and Budgeting

2.6 Financial Planning and Budgeting danim94751

The Chancellor will align financial and strategic planning and provide an economic analysis and recommendation to the Governing Board annually regarding tuition and fees for the subsequent fiscal year. 

AMENDED: September 24, 2024, Governing Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED: June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED: October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED: February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that that the financial planning and budgeting decision-making process will align with the strategic plan to ensure implementation and monitoring at a level with expected performance and within the established financial goals for the institution. Further, the monthly, quarterly, and annual finance reports to the Governing Board will provide evidence that by establishing and monitoring specific and measurable financial strategic goals on a coordinated, integrated basis, we enable the Maricopa Community Colleges to operate efficiently and effectively to ensure financial viability and stability.

In addition, I interpret this policy to mean that expenditures will not occur in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to be received or carried forward in that year.

I will maintain a General Fund balance of at least ten percent of projected General Fund revenues and address the identification and pursuit of new and existing revenue sources, and enhancement of cost-effectiveness, as part of multi-year planning.

Finally, I interpret this policy to mean that the Chief Operating Officer (COO) will annually analyze or cause to have analyzed tuition and fee rates based on average changes in the Higher Education Price Index, or more relevant index as applicable. The analysis and resulting recommendation(s) will be reported to the Governing Board as a component of the annual Tuition and Fee adoption process. 

AMENDED: September 24, 2024, Governing Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
AMENDED: June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 
AMENDED: May 22, 2018, Motion No. 10567
REVISED: November 26, 2013

2.7 Employee Compensation and Benefits

2.7 Employee Compensation and Benefits danim94751

The Chancellor shall implement an employee classification and compensation strategy and benefit plan that align with the District's compensation philosophy and comply with Local, State, and Federal laws. The Chancellor will attract, retain, and promote a high-quality diverse workforce through competitive and progressive pay structures and benefit practices that are externally competitive at the market median, internally equitable, and that are fiscally responsible. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED May 25, 2021

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that it is the responsibility of the District to create, implement, and maintain an externally competitive and internally equitable classification and compensation multi-year plan that is aligned with the District's Compensation Philosophy, in compliance with applicable laws, is fiscally responsible at the 50th percentile of the market, and attracts, retains, and promotes a high-quality diverse workforce, and an employee benefits program that is externally competitive, fiscally responsible, and that encourages and supports wellness and well-being.

Compliance with employee compensation will be demonstrated through internal or external assessment of best practices and regularly scheduled quality reviews and analysis of our identified peer comparators in conjunction with counsel of our Compensation Advisory Council who advises on such factors. Compliance will also be demonstrated by instituting internal controls to monitor pay adjustments and through annual progress reports to the Board in April of each year.

Compliance with employee benefits will be demonstrated through benefit survey participation and review, in conjunction with counsel of our Employee Benefits Advisory Council who advise on best practices related to plan design, cost analysis, and wellness program offerings.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED May 25, 2021

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.8 Communication and Counsel to the Board

2.8 Communication and Counsel to the Board danim94751

The Chancellor shall create the conditions that enable the Board to be informed and supported in its work.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that I will inform the Governing Board of matters that directly impact their statutory responsibilities as policy makers and trustees.

Compliance will be met through a variety of means such as holding one-on-one meetings with Board members, by distributing quarterly reports and newsletters, operational reporting at monthly Board Meetings and Work Sessions, and as appropriate, guidance during Executive Sessions.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.9 Operational Succession Planning

2.9 Operational Succession Planning danim94751

The Chancellor shall provide sufficient capacity for the compentent operation of the District - including, but not limited to, its management and governance - to continue in the event of sudden loss of services of the Chancellor and/or other key personnel.

AMENDED June, 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the Chancellor shall maintain a succesion plan for key executive leadership roles across the District. 

AMENDED June, 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.10 Public Safety

2.10 Public Safety danim94751

The Chancellor shall maintain a safe learning and working environment, and the District will operate a Department of Public Safety.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that District standards of practice for the Department of Public Safety will be established and adhered to at each college. The Department of Public Safety and particularly sworn officers will not violate professional standards as set forth under Arizona law and those promulgated by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) and will comply with administrative provisions of Federal and State laws related to campus safety, including but not limited to collecting Clery Crime Statistics, developing and publishing the Clery Reports, the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, and Campus Save. Employees, students, and, as appropriate, visitors, will receive communications that violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior in District facilities will not be tolerated, and it is the responsibility of all members of the Maricopa Community Colleges to report any occurrence of such conduct, threats, or acts of physical violence of which they are aware.

Compliance will be demonstrated when Public Safety Manuals are accessible to all Public Safety staff, College Presidents and Vice Presidents of Administration and the number of sustained complaints and lawsuits against Public Safety employees reported to colleges, the hotline, HR Department, and Legal Services is routinely maintained and reported on a quarterly basis.

Compliance will also be demonstrated when threats to public safety have been identified and substantiated through established processes and are addressed quickly and effectively.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013