Board Policies

Board Policies

One of the most important roles of the Governing Board is to identify outcomes for the purpose of better serving and being accountable to its constituencies. These constituencies include the people of Maricopa County, students, private and public sector employers, universities, and primary and secondary schools.

Anonymous (not verified)

1, Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies

1, Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies danim94751

1.0 Vision, Mission, and Institutional Values

1.0 Vision, Mission, and Institutional Values danim94751

Our Vision: Excellence in education for a better world. 

Our Mission: The Maricopa Community Colleges ignite talent, transform lives, and enrich communities through teaching, learning and service. 

Our Institutional Values:  Maricopa's core values are established through our commitment to shared governance principles and our focus on students and the communities we serve. 

  • Student Centric: Students are the essence of our work; we partner with students as leaders and decision makers in their own learning.
  • Integrity: We foster a culture of honesty, trust and transparency. 
  • Collaboration: We work together using system thinking in pursuit of our vision and mission. 
  • Inclusiveness: We value all contributions and diverse perspectives. 
  • Innovation: We advance a culture that stimulates big ideas, creativity, and exploration. 
  • Respect: we treat each other with dignity, civility, and kindness.


AMENDED May 23, 2023
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

1.1 Strategy One: Student Outreach & Success

1.1 Strategy One: Student Outreach & Success danim94751

Goal 1.1:  Maricopa Community College District attracts, recruits, engages, and enrolls more students.

Goal 1.2:  Maricopa Community College District retains and supports students to reach their academic, personal and/or professional goals.

Goal 1.3:  Maricopa Community College District secures the financial resources needed to support students, through increased public and philanthropic efforts. 

AMENDED May 23, 2023

Outcomes: DATE OF OUTCOMES SUNSET - May 23, 2023
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Metrics: DATE OF METRICS SUNSET - May 23, 2023
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

1.2 Strategy Two: Economic Resources & Sustainability

1.2 Strategy Two: Economic Resources & Sustainability danim94751

Goal 2.1:  Maricopa Community College District enhances its technology capabilities to optimize academic, student, and business success.

Goal 2.2:  Maricopa Community College District stewards new and existing resources to achieve financial stability and sustainability.

Goal 2.3:  Maricopa Community College District develops the capabilities and cultures needed to support and encourage innovation. 

AMENDED May 23, 2023

Outcomes: DATE OF OUTCOMES SUNSET - May 23, 2023 
AMENDED August 23, 2016, Motion No.10434 and Motion No. 10435 
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Metrics: DATE OF METRICS SUNSET - May 23, 2023
AMENDED August 23, 2016, Motion No.10434 and Motion No. 10435 
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

1.3 Strategy Three: A Cohesive Identity

1.3 Strategy Three: A Cohesive Identity danim94751

Goal 3.1:  Maricopa Community College District establishes alignment and collaboration between and among its colleges and district office to support students, communities, faculty, and staff.

Goal 3.2:  Maricopa Community College District and its colleges are recognized as a cohesive institution working together.

Goal 3.3:  Maricopa Community College District develops the capabilities and cultures needed to support and encourage innovation. 

AMENDED May 23, 2023 

Outcomes: DATE OF OUTCOMES SUNSET - May 23, 2023
AMENDED March 28, 2017, Motion No. 10480
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Metrics: DATE OF METRICS SUNSET - May 23, 2023
AMENDED March 28, 2017, Motion No. 10480
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

1.4 Strategy Four: Organizational Talent

1.4 Strategy Four: Organizational Talent danim94751

Goal 4:1:  Maricopa Community College District improves the recruitment, retention, and growth opportunities of employees for a stronger organization.

Goal 4.2:  Maricopa Community College District fosters a culture that builds community, values diversity, and supports employee engagement and success. 

AMENDED May 23, 2023
AMENDED on Consent Agenda, June 27, 2017, Motion 10505
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

2, Chancellor Responsibilities and Interpretations

2, Chancellor Responsibilities and Interpretations danim94751

2.0 General Chancellor Conduct

2.0 General Chancellor Conduct danim94751

General Chancellor Conduct

The Chancellor shall follow commonly accepted higher education, business, and professional ethics and practices.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District shall have multiple measures of internal controls in place in order to increase employee awareness of expected professional and ethical practices and to conduct oversight to mitigate the occurrence of unlawful and imprudent activity.

Compliance will be demonstrated when:

  1. 90% of all employees have completed mandatory training on Public Sector Employment and Public Stewardship & Ethics.
  2. An enterprise risk management approach is implemented that encompasses compliance with the law, policy, and administrative regulations.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.1 Treatment of Students

2.1 Treatment of Students danim94751

The Chancellor shall create and enable conditions that are fair, dignified, safe, and timely for students and those applying to be students.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that compliance will be demonstrated when:

  • The District operates with written policies and procedures for all students regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age, orientation, religion, disability, or other protected status and that set forth student conduct expectations and responsibilities while providing for effective handling of grievances and appeals.
  • 100% of students shall have access to the written policies and procedures of the District (either electronically or in hard copy format) that set forth expectations for student conduct and responsibilities, and that address the treatment of students including regulations for Student Rights & Responsibilities, and that provide for effective handling of grievances and appeals, Student Records, and Non-Discrimination policies. These relevant policies that directly impact students are referred to as the Catalog Common Pages. Access to written policies and procedures includes posting on college and District websites as well as complying with all legally mandated annual disclosures and compliance statements. 
  • 100% of employees that have access to student data and information as part of their job duties and responsibilities shall be trained in the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other rules that pertain to the protection of personally identifiable information such as Red Flag Rules, FERPA privacy blocks, disclosure of information, and the Solomon Amendment.  

Compliance will also be demonstrated when conditions that are unfair, undignified, unsafe, untimely, or unnecessarily intrusive are dealt with quickly, effectively and through policies and procedures that comply with Federal and State laws, and that provide the requisite elements of due process and fundamental fairness. 


AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED November 26, 2013
ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

2.2 Treatment of Faculty and Staff

2.2 Treatment of Faculty and Staff danim94751

The Chancellor will create and enable conditions for Faculty and Staff that are fair, safe, and dignified, in compliance with all Federal and State laws.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that it is the responsibility of Maricopa executives, supervisors, and employees to work together to create and maintain a workplace where all employees feel safe, respected, valued, and accountable to do their best work.

Compliance with this interpretation will be demonstrated when: 

  • Written policy manuals for all employees are adopted through a collaborative process.
  • Policies and Regulations are adopted that govern a fair and equitable workplace including those related to equal employment opportunity, workplace violence, whistleblower protection, and disability accommodations.
  • The District follows and acts upon the data collected in an Affirmative Action Plan.
  • Employees have access to an ombudsman and anonymous reporting service.
  • Employees are provided with access to relevant policies that relate to equal employment opportunity, Title IX, OSHA, TITLE VII (EEO/AA), and general employee and District policies and procedures.

Compliance will also be demonstrated through the timely and effective manner in which employment matters are addressed, and the policies and procedures that comply with Federal and State laws, and that provide the requisite elements of due process.  

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.3 Interactions With the Public / Other Constituents

2.3 Interactions With the Public / Other Constituents danim94751

The Chancellor will create and enable conditions (procedures, decisions, interactions) that are fair, safe, and dignified with respect to the District's constituents in its respective communities. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District Office and the Colleges will engage with the citizens of Maricopa County and community partners through such measures as community advisory councils/committees and community forums that seek to gather input. They shall also respond to concerns and complaints through formal mechanisms outlined in policy, and informal mechanisms (via web-based mechanisms) such as the Chancellor's webpage or the informal services of the Citizen's Ombudsperson.

Compliance will also be demonstrated when procedures, decisions, or interactions that are unfair, undignified, or unresponsive and that have been noticed and substantiated through established grievance processes are addressed in a timely and effective manner. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.4 Financial Condition and Activities

2.4 Financial Condition and Activities danim94751

The Chancellor shall ensure that the District (A) is in compliance with Local, State, and Federal laws and (B) does not risk fiscal jeopardy. The Chancellor shall not allow a material deviation of actual expenditures from the Board's priorities. 

TECHNICAL CHANGES approved June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the District will operate within a system of internal controls. Compliance is demonstrated by following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and when the following activities occur: 

  1. No expenditure for funds of more than has been received and carried forward in the fiscal year.
  2. No occurrence of inter-fund transfers in amounts that would cause a deficit fund balance in any fund. 
  3. No occurrence in any fiscal year of District expenditures or indebtedness in an amount that reduces the ending General Fund balance to less than ten percent of General Fund revenues recognized during the fiscal year without Governing Board approval. 
  4. Payroll and other District debts or obligations are settled in a timely manner. Timeliness is contingent upon the transaction. 
  5. Tax payments or other government-ordered payments or filings are submitted accurately and on time. 
  6. No transfers of $50,000.00 or more from Governing Board contingency fund without Governing Board approval. The Governing Board President can approve transfers for less than $50,000.00 or those required in an emergency. Emergency uses of $50,000.00 or more require ratification of the Governing Board at a subsequent meeting. 

AMENDED at the Governing Board Meeting of October 24, 2023

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED May 22, 2018, Motion No. 10567

AMENDED by Direct Chancellor Approval, June 16, 2015

AMENDED November 26, 2013

ADOPTED May 24, 2011, Motion No. 9814

2.5 Asset Protection

2.5 Asset Protection danim94751

The Chancellor shall ensure that institutional assets are protected, adequately mantained, and not exposed to unnecessary risk.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the MCCCD will be operated with an adequate system of internal controls, both accounting and administrative, that are sufficient to meet Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and auditing standards. Compliance will be met when:

  • An organizational governance structure is implemented that allows for independent assessment & reporting to the Chancellor or the Board as appropriate. This includes mechanisms to identify when conditions exist and processes for the institution to respond appropriately.
  • Investment or reinvestment of moneys received by the District will occur in a manner allowed under the laws of the State of Arizona.
  • The District's public image and credibility are not endangered.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.6 Financial Planning and Budgeting

2.6 Financial Planning and Budgeting danim94751

The Chancellor will align financial and strategic planning and provide an economic analysis and recommendation to the Governing Board annually regarding tuition and fees for the subsequent fiscal year. 

AMENDED: September 24, 2024, Governing Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED: June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED: October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED: February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that that the financial planning and budgeting decision-making process will align with the strategic plan to ensure implementation and monitoring at a level with expected performance and within the established financial goals for the institution. Further, the monthly, quarterly, and annual finance reports to the Governing Board will provide evidence that by establishing and monitoring specific and measurable financial strategic goals on a coordinated, integrated basis, we enable the Maricopa Community Colleges to operate efficiently and effectively to ensure financial viability and stability.

In addition, I interpret this policy to mean that expenditures will not occur in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to be received or carried forward in that year.

I will maintain a General Fund balance of at least ten percent of projected General Fund revenues and address the identification and pursuit of new and existing revenue sources, and enhancement of cost-effectiveness, as part of multi-year planning.

Finally, I interpret this policy to mean that the Chief Operating Officer (COO) will annually analyze or cause to have analyzed tuition and fee rates based on average changes in the Higher Education Price Index, or more relevant index as applicable. The analysis and resulting recommendation(s) will be reported to the Governing Board as a component of the annual Tuition and Fee adoption process. 

AMENDED: September 24, 2024, Governing Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
AMENDED: June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 
AMENDED: May 22, 2018, Motion No. 10567
REVISED: November 26, 2013

2.7 Employee Compensation and Benefits

2.7 Employee Compensation and Benefits danim94751

The Chancellor shall implement an employee classification and compensation strategy and benefit plan that align with the District's compensation philosophy and comply with Local, State, and Federal laws. The Chancellor will attract, retain, and promote a high-quality diverse workforce through competitive and progressive pay structures and benefit practices that are externally competitive at the market median, internally equitable, and that are fiscally responsible. 

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED May 25, 2021

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that it is the responsibility of the District to create, implement, and maintain an externally competitive and internally equitable classification and compensation multi-year plan that is aligned with the District's Compensation Philosophy, in compliance with applicable laws, is fiscally responsible at the 50th percentile of the market, and attracts, retains, and promotes a high-quality diverse workforce, and an employee benefits program that is externally competitive, fiscally responsible, and that encourages and supports wellness and well-being.

Compliance with employee compensation will be demonstrated through internal or external assessment of best practices and regularly scheduled quality reviews and analysis of our identified peer comparators in conjunction with counsel of our Compensation Advisory Council who advises on such factors. Compliance will also be demonstrated by instituting internal controls to monitor pay adjustments and through annual progress reports to the Board in April of each year.

Compliance with employee benefits will be demonstrated through benefit survey participation and review, in conjunction with counsel of our Employee Benefits Advisory Council who advise on best practices related to plan design, cost analysis, and wellness program offerings.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED May 25, 2021

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.8 Communication and Counsel to the Board

2.8 Communication and Counsel to the Board danim94751

The Chancellor shall create the conditions that enable the Board to be informed and supported in its work.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that I will inform the Governing Board of matters that directly impact their statutory responsibilities as policy makers and trustees.

Compliance will be met through a variety of means such as holding one-on-one meetings with Board members, by distributing quarterly reports and newsletters, operational reporting at monthly Board Meetings and Work Sessions, and as appropriate, guidance during Executive Sessions.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.9 Operational Succession Planning

2.9 Operational Succession Planning danim94751

The Chancellor shall provide sufficient capacity for the compentent operation of the District - including, but not limited to, its management and governance - to continue in the event of sudden loss of services of the Chancellor and/or other key personnel.

AMENDED June, 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that the Chancellor shall maintain a succesion plan for key executive leadership roles across the District. 

AMENDED June, 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

2.10 Public Safety

2.10 Public Safety danim94751

The Chancellor shall maintain a safe learning and working environment, and the District will operate a Department of Public Safety.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting

AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

Chancellor Interpretation

I interpret this policy to mean that District standards of practice for the Department of Public Safety will be established and adhered to at each college. The Department of Public Safety and particularly sworn officers will not violate professional standards as set forth under Arizona law and those promulgated by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) and will comply with administrative provisions of Federal and State laws related to campus safety, including but not limited to collecting Clery Crime Statistics, developing and publishing the Clery Reports, the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, and Campus Save. Employees, students, and, as appropriate, visitors, will receive communications that violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior in District facilities will not be tolerated, and it is the responsibility of all members of the Maricopa Community Colleges to report any occurrence of such conduct, threats, or acts of physical violence of which they are aware.

Compliance will be demonstrated when Public Safety Manuals are accessible to all Public Safety staff, College Presidents and Vice Presidents of Administration and the number of sustained complaints and lawsuits against Public Safety employees reported to colleges, the hotline, HR Department, and Legal Services is routinely maintained and reported on a quarterly basis.

Compliance will also be demonstrated when threats to public safety have been identified and substantiated through established processes and are addressed quickly and effectively.

AMENDED June 28, 2022, Governing Board Meeting 

AMENDED November 26, 2013

3, Board-Staff Relations

3, Board-Staff Relations danim94751

3.0 Chancellor's Role

3.0 Chancellor's Role danim94751

The Chancellor, as chief executive officer, is the Board’s official connection to the District’s operations.

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.1 Unity of Control

3.1 Unity of Control danim94751

Only officially passed motions of the Board are binding on the Chancellor.

  1. Except in rare instances when a person, committee, or task force has been explicitly authorized to direct staff on an issue, no Board Member, officer, or committee has authority over the Chancellor or any member of the Chancellor’s staff.
  2. Board Members may request information through the Chancellor’s office. In the Chancellor’s absence, requests will be made to the Acting Chancellor or the Chancellor’s direct reports. In the case of individual Board Members or committees requesting information or assistance, the Chancellor shall make every effort to honor all such requests, with the exception where considerable time and expense are involved, in which case the request may be declined. The Board member may then refer such request to the full Board for consideration.

TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.2 Accountability of the Chancellor

3.2 Accountability of the Chancellor danim94751

All Board authority delegated to District management is delegated through the Chancellor. Therefore, all authority and accountability of staff, as far as the Board is concerned, is considered to be the authority and accountability of the Chancellor.

  1. The Board will not give instructions to persons who report directly or indirectly to the Chancellor.
  2. The Board will not evaluate, either formally or informally, any staff other than the Chancellor.

AMENDED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.3 Delegation to the Chancellor

3.3 Delegation to the Chancellor danim94751

The Board will direct the Chancellor through written policies that prescribe the Strategic Priorities to be achieved, and describe acceptable organizational situations and actions, allowing the Chancellor to use any reasonable interpretation of these policies.

  1. Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies: policies direct the Chancellor to achieve certain results, for certain recipients, at a worth or priority. 
  2. Chancellor Responsibilities: policies define the boundaries of legality, prudence, and ethics within which the Chancellor is expected to operate. These policies describe those practices, methods, decisions, and circumstances that would be acceptable to the Board in producing the desired outcomes. 
  3. The Chancellor is authorized to establish all further administrative policies, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices, and develop all activities, as long as they are consistent with any reasonable interpretation of these policies and Chancellor Responsibilities.
  4. The Board may change its policies and Chancellor Responsibilities thereby shifting the boundary between Board and Chancellor domains. By so doing, the Board changes the latitude of choice given to the Chancellor. However, so long as any particular delegation is in place, the Board and its members will respect and support the Chancellor’s choices as long as they are consistent with Board policy, as reasonably interpreted. This does not prevent the Board from obtaining information, except for confidential/personal information relating to students and staff. AMENDED August 22, 2023 

AMENDED at the August 22, 2023 Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.4 Monitoring the Chancellor's Performance

3.4 Monitoring the Chancellor's Performance danim94751

The Board will systematically and rigorously monitor the Chancellor's job performance to determine the extent to which  the Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies are being achieved and whether operational activities fall within parameters established in Chancellor Responsibilities and Iterpretations policies.

  1. The purpose of monitoring is simply to determine the degree to which the Chancellor is fulfilling the Board's expectations as set forth in its governing policies. 

  2. A given policy may be monitored in one or more of three methods:
    1. Chancellor Report: The Chancellor conveys to the Board, in writing, policy interpretations as well as compliance information relevant to the policy under review. As appropriate in a given context, the Chancellor may present information to justify the "reasonableness" of his/her interpretation.
    2. External Report: Discovery of compliance information by a disinterested, external auditor, inspector, or judge who is selected by and reports directly to the Board. Such reports must assess executive performance only against policies of the Board (as reasonably interpreted by the Chancellor), not those of the external party unless the Board has previously indicated in Governing Board policy that party's opinion to be the standard for assessment.
    3. Direct Board Inspection: A designated Board Member, committee, or the Board as a whole assesses accomplishment of, or compliance with, a given policy, as reasonably interpreted by the Chancellor.

  3. In every case, the Board will judge whether a) the Chancellor's interpretation is reasonable and b) whether data demonstrate reasonable accomplishment of, or compliance with, the Chancellor's interpretation. Interpretations determined by the Board to be unreasonable, or data determined not to demonstrate reasonable accomplishment of or compliance with a Board policy, as reasonably interpreted, will be subject to a remedial process agreed to by the Board.

  4. All policies instructing the Chancellor will be monitored at a frequency and by a method chosen by the Board. The Board may choose to monitor any policy by any method at any time, but will ordinarily receive quarterly updates on Strategies at a regularly scheduled Governing Board meeting and annual report on Chancellor Responsibilities and Interpretations as part of the Chancellor evaluation process. 

  5. The Board will have a formal evaluation of the Chancellor in May - June of each year. The evaluation will be based primarily on a summary/review of the Board's judgment of the Chancellor's performance, per the criteria and process outlined above, during the previous twelve months.  In addition, the Board and Chancellor may jointly establish Chancellor annual goals. Further in consultation with the Chancellor, the Board may utilize an instrument that evaluates the Chancellor. The Board, in consultation with the Chancellor, may also solicit feedback from internal and external constituents. 


AMENDED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED April 25, 2017, Motion No. 10484 and Motion No. 10485
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.5 Access to the Internal Auditor

3.5 Access to the Internal Auditor danim94751

Direct but limited access to the Board by the Director of Audit, as the internal auditor, is an exception to the exclusive role of the Chancellor in connecting governance and management.

Accordingly, the Director of Audit oversees MCCCD’s Internal Audit and Management Advisory Services (IAMAS) Department, which is charged with the responsibility for ascertaining that MCCCD’s systems of internal controls, risk management, and organizational processes, as designed and represented by management, are adequate and functioning. IAMAS is also responsible for reporting to management and the Audit and Finance Committee on the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization’s systems of internal control, together with ideas, counsel, and recommendations to improve the systems.

  1. If, after having brought to the Chancellor’s attention any impropriety discovered in the course of his or her own work, the internal auditor feels that the Chancellor has failed to address the impropriety, the Director of Audit must report that impropriety to the Board President.
  2. Impropriety in this context means a material weakness in operational management or a violation of Board policies regarding financial affairs of the District.
  3. Nothing in this policy impedes the Chancellor from exercising his or her Board-granted prerogative to interpret applicable Board policies under the “reasonable interpretation” rule, nor does it remove from the Board the right to judge reasonableness. However, impropriety as used in provision #2 above can indicate that in the opinion of the Director of Audit, an interpretation made by the Chancellor is not “reasonable.”
  4. The Director of Audit is in all other ways as subject to the Chancellor’s managerial authority as all other staff and has no direct access to the Board except as permitted by law or district policy and/or regulations. The Chancellor may not impede the Director of Audit’s official access as described in this policy, or seek to inappropriately influence the content of the Director of Audit’s reporting to the Board as set forth in this policy.
  5. Nothing in this provision shall be deemed to limit or prohibit the Board from hiring external or internal auditors who may be assigned to report to the Board, or as the Board may choose, another designee (e.g., Legal Counsel).

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

3.6 Board / General Counsel Relationship

3.6 Board / General Counsel Relationship danim94751

The General Counsel is employed by the Maricopa County Community College District in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes §15-1448. As such, he or she is vested by law with the powers of and the duties otherwise performed by the Maricopa County Attorney pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §11-532 (A) (11), as amended. In exercising these powers and providing legal services, the General Counsel is expected by the District to conform to the generally accepted standards of the legal profession, including the Rules of Professional Conduct (ARPC) promulgated by the Arizona Supreme Court. These professional standards include, without limitation, standards of integrity, competence, diligence, and communication.

  1. The General Counsel reports to and is supervised by the Chancellor, and is primarily responsible for providing professional legal services to the district’s officers and employees who are acting in his/her official capacity in performance of his/her duties. Whenever the General Counsel is providing legal services to the district including the Chancellor and the Board, professional standards require that his or her legal advice and services be based upon independent professional judgment that is not subject to the client’s direction and control.
  2. Regardless which individual or group represents the district as the General Counsel’s client for purposes of any particular communication or representation, the district as a whole entity remains the General Counsel’s sole client. He or she owes professional responsibilities to the organization as a whole, including the Governing Board as an entity.
  3. To meet the expectations stated above, the General Counsel must have direct and independent access to the Governing Board when necessary in his or her professional judgment (e.g,. when obliged by the above professional standards to disclose information received from constituent members of the organization to the highest authority within the organization, and to provide advice to the highest authority.)
  4. Accordingly, the General Counsel shall have direct access to the Board and the authority to use independent professional judgment in providing professional services as an attorney, notwithstanding the Chancellor’s otherwise exclusive role in connecting governance and management.
  5. The General Counsel will provide timely legal opinions on proposed regulations, contracts, and documents and also contemplated actions when requested by the Chancellor and other district executives, as well as upon a request of the Board, by motion duly made, seconded, and approved.
  6. In addition to the foregoing, the Chancellor may in his or her sole discretion assign the General Counsel supervision of district risk management, insurance, training, and compliance programs. If so, the General Counsel will take reasonable care to clarify when he or she is exercising such administrative responsibility. When the General Counsel is performing such administrative duties, he or she will be subject to the direct and exclusive supervision of the Chancellor.

TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4, Governance Process

4, Governance Process danim94751

4.0 Governance Commitment

4.0 Governance Commitment danim94751

The purpose of the Board, on behalf of the residents of Maricopa County, is to ensure that the Maricopa County Community College District a) achieves appropriate results for the community (as specified in Board Policies), and b) avoids unacceptable outcomes and situations, with a strategic perspective through a continually improved commitment to its vision, mission, and values.

TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.1 Shared Governance Principles

4.1 Shared Governance Principles danim94751

Shared governance at Maricopa Community Colleges: 

  • Reflects collaboration among the chief component groups - faculty, staff, administrators, students, and the Governing Board. 
  • Recognizes and values the expertise and responsibilities of the chief component groups. 
  • Provides a venue and gives voice to common concerns, as well as to issues unique to specific component groups. 
  • Invites all component groups and constituencies to participate as true consultants and partners in good-faith problem solving. 
  • Depends on open and reciprocal communication, transparency, and the development of trust and sense of community in planning and implementation. 
  • Commits to the importance of building consensus wherever possible, and also to moving forward where it cannot be achieved. 
  • Supports the shared vision of the Maricopa Community Colleges: "colleges for the community - working collectively and responsibly to meet the life-long learning needs of diverse students and communities."

These principles operate within a formal structure in which the Governing Board retains final authority over all matters under its legal purview, unless otherwise expressly delegated. Our Governing Board has delegated operational authority to the Chancellor, and it is the Chancellor who unltimately oversees the operation of the shared governance system. All actions within the shared governance system shall align with the larger regulatory and legal framework within which we operate. 

Policy inception date: Shared Governance Principles - at the October, 24, 2023 Governing Board Meeting


Our Vision: See Policy 1.0 

DATE OF POLICY SUNSET: Governing Values - May 23, 2023

AMENDED December 13, 2005, Motion No. 9350

AMENDED July 22, 1997, Motion No. 8673

ADOPTED January 28, 1997, Motion No. 8626

Our Mission: See Policy 1.0

DATE OF POLICY SUNSET: Governing Values - May 23, 2023 

AMENDED December 14, 2004, Motion No. 9288

AMENDED July 27, 1999, Motion No. 8882

ADOPTED January 28, 1997, Motion No. 8626

Our Institutional Values: See Policy 1.0 

DATE OF POLICY SUNSET: Governing Values - May 23, 2023

AMENDED December 13, 2005, Motion No. 9350

AMENDED July 22, 1997, Motion No. 8673

AMENDED July 22, 1997, Motion No. 8672

AMENDED January 28, 1997, Motion No. 8627

ADOPTED January 28, 1997, Motion No. 8626

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.2 Manner of Governing

4.2 Manner of Governing danim94751

The Board will govern lawfully, in a manner that is nonpartisan, with an emphasis on a) integrity and truthfulness in all of its activities and practices, b) outward vision, c) encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, d) strategic leadership, e) clear distinction between Board and Chancellor roles, f) collective rather than individual decisions, and g) proactive leadership.

More specifically:

  1. The Board will operate in all ways mindful of its civic trusteeship obligation to those who own the organization, the residents of Maricopa County.
  2. The Board will conduct itself in a manner that complies with all relevant laws and regulations. The Board will fulfill all of its legal and fiduciary responsibilities as required by state statutes, the Arizona Constitution, and all state administrative rules. These include responsibilities such as approval of the budget; tuition and fees; degrees, certificates and diplomas; graduation requirements; curriculum catalog policies; and travel regulations and procedures upon recommendation from the Chancellor.
  3. The Board will cultivate a sense of group responsibility and shall work together harmoniously in pursuit of this obligation. The Board will conduct its business in a respectful and civil manner, always mindful of the Maricopa County Community College District's public image.
  4. The Board will carefully establish performance standards and expectations for the district through articulation of written governing policies. The Board's major focus will be on the achievement of intended long term impacts outside the operating organization, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those results, except as they conflict with statutory law.
  5. Through these policies, the Board will establish and adhere to expectations for its own conduct, addressing matters such as attendance, policy making principles, respect of roles, respect for democratic processes, speaking to management and the public with one voice, and ensuring the continuity of governance capability.
  6. Continual Board development will include periodic discussion of its governing performance, orientation of new members in the Board's governance process and these policies, and annual Board review of both the Board's and the Chancellor's progress in light of the Board's performance expectations.
  7. The Board may use the expertise of individual members to enhance the Board's understanding of issues, but will not substitute such expertise for the judgment of the Board.
  8. The Board will keep well-informed about relevant global and local educational trends and other issues, by actively gathering information and attendance at appropriate workshops and conferences to fulfill its role.
  9. The Board will govern with appreciation of the diversity of our internal and external communities. Diversity is defined as the environment created within Maricopa that demonstrates equity and mutual respect of each person.
  10. All of the Board's governing policies are contained in this document, and they remain in effect, unless amended or deleted by Board action.
  11. Although the Board can change its governing policies at any time, it will conscientiously observe those currently in effect.
  12. The Board will allow no officer, individual, or Board Committee to prevent, or be an excuse for, the Board not fulfilling its duties and commitments.
  13. The Board will regularly evaluate and strive to improve its process and performance. Self-assessment will compare Board activity and discipline to the Board's performance criteria set forth in the "Governance Process" and "Board-Staff Relations" sections of these governing policies.
  14. The Board will reserve authority to approve the following types of agreements:
    1. Cooperative agreements with outside entities requiring a significant commitment of District funds or that may impair the District's bonding capacity.
    2. Leases involving a commitment of the District's funds in excess of the annual amount specified in Arizona Revised Statute §15-1444B-2 [or in excess of a total of $300,000 over the original term].
    3. Contracts for District-wide services for insurance, bookstores, and food service.
    4. Real property leases or continuous use of District property by outside entities for commercial activity or for any activity that substantially increases the potential liability for the District or may impair its bonding capacity.
    5. Dual enrollment agreements where an intergovernmental agreement is not required.
    6. Contracts in which the legal authority to proceed is not explicit in statute or confirmed through case law or Attorney General's opinion.
    7. Purchases described below:
      1. A construction contract or construction consulting services contract, including those for architects and engineers, exceeding $250,000.
      2. Any purchase of a single piece of information technology equipment or software exceeding $250,000.
      3. Any purchase of services exceeding $250,000, other than recurring annual services for support of District-wide systems or operations such as utilities, equipment, or software maintenance.
    8. Purchases or sale of real property.
    9. Agreements that by law must have Governing Board approval.

TECHNICAL CHANGES APPROVED June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.3 Board Job Description

4.3 Board Job Description danim94751

The job of the Board is to represent the residents of Maricopa County in determining and demanding appropriate organizational performance. The Board will concentrate its efforts on the following job “products” or outputs to distinguish the Board’s own unique job from the jobs of its staff:

  1. The link between Maricopa County Community College District and the citizens of Maricopa County (the “ownership”).
    1. Needs Assessment: Board Members will assess the needs and trends affecting the ownership, as they relate to the District’s activities and scope of influence, and will maintain policies identifying and prioritizing intended organizational results to address those needs.
    2. Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies: The Board and its members will inform the residents of Maricopa County of the District’s accomplishments on their behalf and of its expected future results.
  2. Written governing policies that, at the broadest levels, articulate performance standards regarding:
    1. Vision, Mission, Values and Strategies: Results pertaining to organizational products, impacts, benefits, outcomes, recipients, and their relative worth (what good for which needs at what cost or priority).
    2. Chancellor Responsibilities: Parameters within which all activity and decisions under the Chancellor’s authority must take place.
    3. Board-Staff Relations: How management authority is delegated and its proper use monitored; the Chancellor role, authority, and accountability.
    4. Governance Process: Specification of how the Board conceives, carries out, and monitors its own task.
  3. The assurance of mission fulfillment and operational integrity, by holding the Chancellor accountable for successful achievement of vision, mission, values and strategies and adherence to Chancellor Responsibilities.
  4. Legislative Impact — The Board will identify and seek to affect legislative and/or public policy change as it deems necessary and/or appropriate on behalf of the residents of Maricopa County.
  5. Naming of District Facilities and Academic Entities — The Board has final authority on all such naming. Action will be based upon recommendations consistent with administrative regulations addressing criteria/guidelines, processes used for naming facilities and academic entities, including definitions, a nominations process, due diligence review, and a duration of rights.
  6. Awarding of Emeritus Status —The Board has the sole authority to award, upon recommendation of the Chancellor, emeritus distinction.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting 
TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.4 Board Planning and Agenda Preparation [General Policy Housekeeping Items]

4.4 Board Planning and Agenda Preparation [General Policy Housekeeping Items] danim94751

To fulfill its Job Description, the Board will prepare and follow an annual planning calendar that a) carefully completes a review of Strategic Plan achievement each year, b) continually improves its performance through Board education, enriched input, and deliberation, and c) provides individuals and organizations with an annual predictable schedule of meetings to the greatest extent feasible to afford them opportunities to attend and participate in Board meetings.

  1. The President will, early in the first quarter of the calendar year, prepare and present for the Board's consideration and approval a suggested work plan for that year's meetings. Considerations should include:

    1. How the Board will ensure an annual review of Board policies for the purpose of routine maintenance and relevant to the Board's legal and statutory duties, as well as the mission and goals of the district.
    2. How the Board will gain ownership input, including but not limited to opportunities for input from individuals and organizations, including employee groups and affiliated organizations that have expertise and interests specifically related to Board decisions and Board policies.
    3. How the Board will continue its education, e.g., Board education related to current issues and trends (through presentations by advocacy groups, Maricopa County employers, staff, futurists, etc.), and education about governance and operational issues.
    4. Ensuring action approvals required by law, audit functions, Chancellor monitoring and evaluation, etc.
  2. The President will determine the agenda for any particular meeting, although Board members or the Chancellor may request or recommend any appropriate matters for Board consideration.
    1. A Board member or the Chancellor may recommend or request a matter for Board discussion by submitting the item to the President at least 14 days prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting or within 48 hours for emergency items.
    2. In accordance with the law, the agenda is to be posted at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled Board meeting. The meeting packet (including background materials for decision items on the agenda, monitoring reports, etc.) is to be received by Board members at least four (4) days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
    3. In view of the special and important circumstances that mandate the calling of a special board meeting, the President shall take into consideration the scheduling needs of the other Board members, including adequate notice that exceeds the open meeting notice required by law.
    4. The Board may use a Consent Agenda to expeditiously address items delegated to the Chancellor, yet required by law or contract to be Board-approved.
      1. Any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by request of a Board Member or the Chancellor.

AMENDED at the August 22, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED April 28, 2015, Motion No. 10292
AMENDED August 26, 2014, Motion No. 10220
AMENDED October 22, 2013, Motion No. 10112
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.5 Board Meetings

4.5 Board Meetings danim94751

Board meetings will be conducted in adherence with these operational policies:

  1. Meetings
    1. Regular - The Board will normally meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Governing Board Room of the District Support Services Center. Meetings may be held at sites throughout the District. The times for each meeting will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting date.
    2. Special Meetings - Special meetings are called only when it is necessary for the Board to conduct business of an immediate and unanticipated nature, with circumstances that require its attention before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. A special meeting may be called by the President of the Board, or upon request of a majority of the Board’s members.
    3. Strategic Conversations, Work Sessions, and Community Forums - The Board will participate in meetings that are designed to discuss specific issues or topics and to gather community input regarding the Maricopa County Community College District. Opportunities will be presented either as Strategic Conversations, Work Sessions, or Community Forums and will be held on a date established by the Board. Such meetings will either be held at the District Office or at community sites within the District. The time and location for such meetings will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the established date and time.
    4. Executive Sessions – In compliance with Arizona Revised Statute §38-431.03, meetings may be called in order for the Board to discuss its position and instruct its attorney regarding matters of pending or contemplated litigation.
  2. Organization of the Board

    A. Organization of the Board

    The Governing Board will conduct its annual organizational meeting at the first meeting in January.  At the annual organizational meeting, the Board shall elect a President and Secretary.  These officers shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the members of the Board.  Officers of the Board shall serve a term of one (1) consecutive year unless re-elected during the subsequent annual organizational meeting.  The Secretary will fulfill the duties of the chair in the absence of the President. 

    Additionally, and after any election, the President shall appoint Board members to represent the Board in community organizations as needed.

    B. Conduct of Elections

     The Board shall conduct an election for President first, followed by an election for Secretary.  Nominations shall be made for each office.  A member may nominate him or herself.  Nominations do not require a second.  A board member must accept the nomination in order to be considered as a candidate for a board officer. After nominations are completed, each candidate shall have the option to make a three-minute presentation to the board.  Following candidate presentations to the board, each board member shall publicly cast one vote.  Votes may only be cast for board members who have been nominated and who have accepted that nomination.  Board officers shall be selected by a majority vote of the members of the Board. Officers shall assume office immediately upon election, and shall hold the office until a successor is elected.

    There are no limits on the number of terms that a board member may serve as an officer.

    A board officer who has completed his or her elected term of office is deemed to have vacated that officer position, unless the member is re-elected to the governing board.

     In the event that an officer does not complete his/her term as a board officer due to a voluntary resignation as an officer or involuntary termination by the board, a special meeting will be called to fill that position.  The newly elected officer shall serve the balance of the existing term of office.

  3. Agenda
    The agenda and meeting materials shall be prepared by the Executive Administrative Coordinator to the Governing Board, as guided by the President and the Chancellor, and delivered to the Board Members approximately four days prior to the regular meeting date.
  4. Rules of Action
    1. Quorum
      1. A minimum of four members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct business.
      2. Approval of an action item requires affirmative votes from the majority of the quorum.
    2. Consideration of Policy Matters
      The Board will consider proposed new or revised policy twice, first as an informational item; then as a recommendation for approval. Upon a majority vote, the policy will be incorporated into the Board’s policies.
    3. Rules of Order
      The Board will be guided by Robert's Rules of Order, subject to the following:
      1. Items on the meeting agenda that require action shall be placed before the entire Board through a motion made by one of the Board Members. A second to the motion shall be required.
      2. Appropriate discussion of the item shall be determined by the Board President who shall call for the vote. All discussion by Board Members shall be allowed on any item; however, discussion shall cease upon a motion approved by no fewer than six Board Members to call immediately for the question.
      3. Any motion may be amended, tabled, discussed, etc. A Board Member may move to amend a pending motion. A motion to amend may seek to add or strike words of the pending motion, or substitute a different motion on the same subject for the one before the Board. When a motion to amend has been moved and seconded, the Board President shall re-state the motion in order that the members of the Board may know what is before them. Discussion on a motion shall be confined to the merits of the proposed amendment.
  5. Public Attendance and Discussion
    1. Citizens Interim—The Board will set aside a portion of each agenda to hear from citizens regarding items of general concern. In compliance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board will neither discuss nor take action on issues raised during this portion of the agenda. Public bodies may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on speakers. 
      1. The Board President will, call on each speaker permitting up to 3 minutes for each speaker’s remarks.
      2. The total number of speakers addressing a particular subject will be limited to no more than 3.
      3. The Board President may waive the limitations provided in items Ai and Aii.
    2. Action or Informational Agenda Items
      1. The Board President may, recognize member's of the audience to question or speak on a specific item on the agenda.
      2. If an agenda topic is opened up for public comment, the provisions set forth in paragraphs Ai-iii shall apply.
    3. Members of the public who speak shall not engage in conduct that substantially interrupts, delays or disturbs the peace and good order of the proceeding of the Board, including but not limited to, the use of profane language or obscene gestures, yelling or similar demonstrations, hand clapping, stomping of feet, or the excessive use of noise. Such actions may serve as cause for the Board’s President to direct that the speaker immediately conclude his or her remarks.

AMENDED at the March 25, 2025 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED March 26, 2019, Motion No. 10606
AMENDED January 23, 2018, Motion No. 10541
AMENDED May 26, 2015, Motion No. 10304
AMENDED December 9, 2014, Motion No. 10263 
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.6 President's Role

4.6 President's Role danim94751

As the District’s “chief governance officer,” the President’s job is to ensure the integrity of the Board and its process. Secondarily, the President is the official representative/spokesperson of the Board to outside parties. During the absence or disability of the President, the Board Secretary shall act as President.

  1. The President’s job is to see to it that the Board behaves consistently with its policies and any requirements legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.
    1. Meeting discussion content will include only those issues that, according to Board policy, clearly belong to the Board to decide, consider, or to monitor.
    2. Deliberation will be fair, open, thorough, timely, orderly, and kept to the point.
  2. The President is authorized to make decisions consistent with policies on Governance Process and Board-Staff Relations, with the exception of a) employment/termination of the Chancellor or b) instances where the Board specifically delegates portions of this authority to others. The President is authorized to use any reasonable interpretation of these policies.
    1. The President is empowered to preside over Board meetings with the commonly accepted power of that position (e.g., ruling, recognizing).
    2. The President is not authorized to make decisions within the Board’s policies and Chancellor Responsibilities. The President has no authority to supervise or direct the Chancellor’s work.
    3. The President may represent the Board to outside parties in announcing Board-stated positions and in stating decisions and interpretations within the area delegated to the President.
    4. The President may delegate this authority but remains accountable for its use.
    5. The President may request a written report (to serve as a public record) of Board Member travel and attendance at appropriate workshops and conferences that includes an accounting of what took place at these events.

TECHNICAL CHANGE, approved June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
TECHNICAL CHANGE, Approved June 28, 2022 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.7 Board Linkage With the Community

4.7 Board Linkage With the Community danim94751

The Governing Board represents all Maricopa County residents in the governance of the district. As “owner-representative” the Board will devote time and energy to hearing from a spectrum of residents.

  1. Mechanisms will be designed, as the Board deems necessary and/or appropriate, to hear from a representative sample of all residents.
  2. Student commentary in their role as consumers of district services will be assured a respective hearing by the Chancellor and staff.
    1. As consumers, students deserve fair and timely response to their concerns or grievances.
  3. Student commentary in their role as “consumers” of the district will be given specific and serious consideration by the Board, particularly in the formulation of the Board’s policies.
  4. The Board’s annual cycle of reviewing and reconsidering policies will include a plan for garnering and incorporating resident input into that process.
  5. Residents’ input will be extensive and ongoing, not a sporadic or infrequent process.

TECHNICAL CHANGES, approved June 27, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.8 Board Committee Principles

4.8 Board Committee Principles danim94751

The role of Board Committees, when used, is to make the Board more efficient and effective in its work. Board Committees are not to interfere with the Board’s delegation of authority to the Chancellor, or that of the Chancellor to other staff.

  1. Board committees may be created to help the Board do its job, not to advise or exercise authority over the Chancellor or staff.
  2. Board committees ordinarily undertake activities not delegated to the Chancellor, such as preparing policy alternatives and implications for Board deliberations or performing specific monitoring functions.
  3. Board committees may speak or act for the Board only when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes. Expectations and authority will be carefully stated in order not to conflict with authority delegated to the Chancellor.
  4. Because the Chancellor works for the full Board, he or she will not be required to obtain approval of a Board committee before taking an executive action.
  5. Board committees are to avoid over-identification with organizational parts rather than the whole. Therefore, a Board committee that has helped the Board create policy on some topic will not be used to monitor organizational performance on that same subject.
  6. This policy applies to any group formed by Board action, whether or not it is called a committee, and regardless of whether the group includes Board members. This policy does not apply to committees formed under the authority of the Chancellor.
  7. Board appointed Committees shall adhere to Open Meeting Laws, as required by Statute.

AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.9 Board Committee Structure

4.9 Board Committee Structure danim94751

In recognition of its fiduciary responsibilities to taxpayers and governance functions, the Board may act as a committee of the Whole. The Board may also establish Board Committees on topical areas to gather information, report to the full board, and respond to the will of the Board, regardless of whether Board members sit on the committee. Unless otherwise specified, the Chancellor, or his/her staff designee, will serve as a non-voting member of and staff liaison to each committee.

To ensure that appropriate and regular attention and review is given to key areas of the Board's responsibilities, the Board President shall appoint board members in January of each year, or as soon as possible thereafter to serve in the following roles: 

  1. Two ex-officio members to the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation Board. 
  2. Two members to the Chancellor's Audit and Finance Committee, one serving as vice-chair. 
  3. Three members to the Chancellor's Public Affairs Committee, one serving as chair. 
  4. A member to the Strategic Planning Steering Team.
  5. A Board Policy Chair. 
  6. A Chancellor's Evaluation Process Chair. 

Additional appointments may be made as necessary by the Board President in consultation with the Chancellor. As task forces or committees are formed, the Chancellor and Board President will determine the appropriateness of Board representation on the task force or committee, consistent with shared governance principles. The Board President also has authority to remove members at any point in time. Board members serve as non-ranking contributing members and acknowledge that only the Board as a whole has the authority and power to act. 


AMENDED, at the September 26, 2023 Governing Board Meeting
APPROVED February 26, 2019, Motion No. 10598
APPROVED January 23, 2018, Motion No. 10542 
AMENDED October 28, 2014, Motion No. 10237
AMENDED June 24, 2014, Motion No. 10200, 10201, 10202
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782


4.10 Board Members Code of Conduct

4.10 Board Members Code of Conduct danim94751

The Board expects of itself, as a whole and of its members, ethical, professional, and lawful conduct. This commitment includes proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as Board Members.

  1. Board Members must demonstrate unconflicted loyalty to the interests of the entire community of Maricopa County. This accountability supersedes any conflicting loyalty such as that to family members, the District’s employees, advocacy or interest groups, membership on other boards or staffs, or any personal interests as a consumer of the District’s services. Likewise, Board Members are elected to serve on a nonpartisan basis when serving as a steward on behalf of the college district.
  2. Board members are expected to discharge their duties honestly and in good faith. Board Members shall exercise the degree of care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in similar circumstances.
  3. Governing Board Members shall be required to participate in training that focuses on public stewardship and institutional ethics. Such training shall be rigorous, practical, and application based.
  4. Board Members must avoid any conflict of interest with respect to their fiduciary responsibility.
    1. There must be no self-dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any Board Member and the organization except as procedurally controlled to assure openness, competitive opportunity, and equal access to “inside” information.
    2. Board Members must not use their positions to obtain employment in the organization for themselves, family members, or close associates. Should a Board member apply for staff employment in the District, he or she must first resign from the Board.
    3. When the Board is to decide an issue about which a member has an actual or potential conflict of interest, that member shall disclose the conflict to the Board and absent herself or himself without comment from not only the vote but also from the deliberation.
    4. Board members will annually complete a form disclosing their involvements and interests that could give rise to a conflict of interest, including but not limited to roles as directors or officers of other organizations, substantial/direct business/investment holdings, or other transactions or affiliations with businesses and other organizations or those of family members. Board Members will promptly update their disclosures if, during the year, a material change in circumstances should occur.
  5. Board Members may not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization except as explicitly set forth in Board policies.
    1. Board Members’ interactions with the Chancellor or with staff must recognize the lack of authority in any individual Board Member or group of Board Members except when explicitly Board authorized.
    2. Board Members’ interaction with public, media, or other entities must recognize this limitation and that Board Members are not to speak for the District or the Chancellor, or to speak for the Board, except to repeat explicitly stated Board decisions.
  6. Board Members must deal civilly and respectfully with each other, including the use of open and honest communication.
  7. A Board Member aware of credible information that suggests that a Board policy has been violated, by either the Board or the Chancellor, has an affirmative obligation to bring the concern to the Board’s agenda for monitoring.
  8. Board Members must respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature. This includes all items discussed in Executive Session, the confidentiality of which is mandated by Statute.
  9. Board members will support the legitimacy and authority of the final determination of the Board on any matter, irrespective of the member’s personal position on the issue.
  10. The Board and its members are committed to faithful compliance with the provisions of the Board’s governing policies. To uphold the Board’s integrity and reputation, the Board will constructively address perceived violations of these policies, using the following process:
    1. The concerned Board Member (or, if applicable, the Chancellor) is encouraged to have a conversation in a private setting with the Board Member whose actions are perceived to be non-compliant with Board policies. If a complaint pertaining to a Board Member’s conduct is conveyed to the Chancellor by an outside party, the Chancellor shall, as soon as practical, refer the complaint to the President for appropriate action (as outlined herein). If the complaint involves the President, the Chancellor shall refer the matter to the Board Secretary for necessary action.
    2. Second, if the concerned party is not comfortable pursuing such a discussion, or if the conversation does not produce sufficient resolution as agreed on by the concerned parties, either party shall apprise the President, who may choose to address the situation individually with the involved party, or advance to #C below. If the concern involves the President’s actions, the Board Secretary shall be similarly informed.
    3. Third, if the first two steps don’t produce sufficient resolution, or if in the estimation of any of the concerned parties there remains a credible concern that the incident may cause legal or reputational jeopardy to the District, the Board will be apprised of the situation. The Board may request that the Chancellor arrange for an independent review to be conducted for the purpose of advising the Board if noncompliance with its own policies has occurred by an appropriate individual(s). After receipt of the results of the review, or if the Board deems itself to have adequate information without the review, the Board will make a subsequent determination, by vote, as to whether the Board Member’s actions were consistent with Board policy.
    4. If the Board determines that there was no violation of the expectations set forth in the Board’s Governing Policies, the issue shall be considered resolved.
    5. If, in the judgment of the majority of the Board, Board policy has been violated, the Board shall take what it considers to be appropriate steps to remedy the situation and protect the interests of the District. These may include:
      1. Reminding the Board Member of the expectation and fiduciary duty to cease such actions/behaviors.
      2. Limiting any authority that has been delegated to the Board Member to represent the Board.
      3. A resolution publicly admonishing the action/behaviors.
      4. A resolution requesting the Board Member’s resignation.
      5. If the party deemed to be in violation of Board policy is an officer, removal from the elected officer position
  11. Per Arizona Revised Statutes, Board Members must avoid relationships with outside organizations that do business or may do business with the district, and must also avoid activities and circumstances that could create an appearance that the Board Member seeks to influence the selection of a vendor or the terms of a contract. Board Members shall adhere to the provisions outlined in the Gifts, Gratuities, and Unrelated Compensation Administrative Regulation, which outlines the restrictions for the acceptance of gifts, gratuities, and unrelated compensation from vendors and others that are either doing business with or that seek to do business with the officers, employees, and others who serve as agents on behalf of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD).

AMENDED May 26, 2015, Motion No. 10304
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.11 Awarding of Emeritus Status

4.11 Awarding of Emeritus Status danim94751

The Governing Board may award emeritus distinction to any full-time residential faculty, or executive in salary grade 128 or above such as; chancellor, vice-chancellor, associate vice-chancellor, college president, executive vice president, or vice president who retires from the Maricopa County Community College District. Any such awards will be based on the following protocol/criteria:

  1. The Chancellor may recommend emeritus distinction to a candidate only following a determination that the candidate has:
    1. at least twenty years of full-time service in the Maricopa district with ten of the years in one or more emeritus - eligible positions. 
    2. demonstrated satisfactory performance;
    3. not been the object of an adverse personnel decision; and
    4. fulfilled all terms and conditions of employment.
  2. The Governing Board may, upon recommendation by the Chancellor, award emeritus distinction to a candidate that does not meet the criteria in subsection (1), upon sufficient showing that the candidate has:
    1. Contributed significantly to his or her respective field or discipline;
    2. Performed service throughout the candidate’s employment in the Maricopa District that have been of direct benefit to students;
    3. Contributed to the creation of innovative programs or initiatives within the Maricopa district; and
    4. At least ten years of full time service in the Maricopa district.
  3. The awarding of emeritus distinction will mean that the candidate’s name and title, followed by emeritus distinction, will be placed in the appropriate college catalog or district publication. Awarding of emeritus distinction shall not entitle the holder to remuneration or other benefit in addition to any provided under this policy.
  4. The Chancellor shall consider, for recommendation to the Governing Board, every employee eligible for emeritus distinction following the employee’s retirement. This policy shall be applied retroactively to any eligible employee who has retired prior to the effective date of this policy provided that a written petition for emeritus distinction is submitted on the employee’s behalf to the Chancellor and the Chancellor is provided sufficient written documentation to justify the awarding of emeritus distinction. Emeritus distinction may be awarded posthumously.


Recommendation for Emeritus Distinction 


AMENDED at the Governing Board Meeting of October 24, 2023
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.12 Governance Investment

4.12 Governance Investment danim94751

The Board will consciously invest in its ability to govern competently and wisely.


  1. Board skills, methods, and supports will be sufficient to assure governing with excellence.
  2. Training and retraining will be used appropriately to orient new members and to maintain and increase existing Board Member skills and knowledge.
    1. Outside monitoring assistance, including fiscal audit, will be arranged as needed so that the Board can exercise confident control over organizational performance.
    2. Outreach mechanisms will be used as needed to ensure the Board understands community viewpoints and values.
    3. Costs will be prudently incurred, but sufficient to ensure the development and maintenance of superior governance. Budgeting considerations will include:
      1. Board training, including publications and workshops.
      2. Board Member travel to professional meetings and conferences directly related to the Board’s role and responsibilities.  These professional meetings and conferences should be targeted to an audience of board members or routinely attended by board members. Exceptions may be granted by the Board President when a rationale has been provided to demonstrate the value to the institution. Such travel will be approved in advance by the Board President.  When the Board President plans to travel, such requests will be approved in advance by the Board Secretary.  Should a travel request be denied, the Member may appeal the decision to the full Board.
      3. Board Members will be reimbursed at the same rates as district employees for mileage incurred for authorized travel or for necessary expenses incurred while on district business at conferences or professional meetings. Authorized travel includes mileage reimbursement for attending meetings or events at the District Office or at the colleges and meetings and events directly related to the Board's role and responsibilities at non-district locations. Mileage reimbursement will not be allowed for attendance at partisan political meetings/events or for strictly social activities. Exceptions may be granted by the Board President when a rationale has been provided to demonstrate the value to the institution. Mileage reimbursement and travel reimbursement will be approved by the Board President, or in the case of the Board President, by the Board Secretary.  The Board President may establish reasonable limits on the amount of mileage reimbursement Members may receive.
      4. Governing Board Members, their spouses, and dependent children may participate in the district’s health, accident life, and disability insurance plans if they pay the full amount of the premium(s). Board Members are subject to the same guidelines and parameters as other insurance eligible employees.
      5. Board Members who participate in the above plans may continue to participate after leaving the Board if the member served at least six consecutive years on the Board, and the Board Member pays the full premium.
        1. The surviving spouse and/or dependent child of a Board Member or former Board Members may continue to participate in the plan if they were covered under the Board Member’s plan, and they pay the full premium.
        2. It is strictly prohibited for the district to expend any district funds to subsidize the participation of any Board Member, spouse, or dependent in this program.
      6. Audit and other third-party monitoring of organizational performance.
      7. Surveys, focus groups, and opinion analyses.
      8. Board-hosted ownership linkage/outreach events.
      9. Board meeting and retreat costs (e.g., facilities, logistics, meals during meetings, etc.)

AMENDED March 27, 2018, Motion No. 10558
APPROVED by Consent Agenda, February 27, 2018  Motion No. 10553
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782

4.13 Student Board Member

4.13 Student Board Member danim94751

In addition to the seven elected Board members, there will be one student Board member.  The student Board member will be chosen by voting members of the Maricopa Student Senate (MSS), a districtwide student representative council overseen by the District Office of Student Affairs. Members of the Maricopa Student Senate will establish a process for application, review and selection of the new student Board member. The term of the student Board member will be one year commencing on July 1.

The student Board member shall be enrolled in and maintain a minimum of twelve semester credits in the District and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at the time of nomination and throughout the term of service.

The student Board member will be seated with the elected Board members at all public meetings of the Board and will be recognized at those meetings as a full member of the Board for the purpose of asking questions, discussing issues, offering reports, and suggesting agenda items. The student Board member will be entitled to an advisory vote although the vote shall not be included in determining the vote required to carry any measure before the Board or for calling for a special meeting.  If the student Board member wishes to cast an advisory vote, it shall be taken prior to the Board’s vote.  Furthermore, the student Board member will receive all material presented to the elected Board members, except material that relates to matters considered in executive session. The student Board member does not attend executive session.  The student Board member’s attendance does not count for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists.

In recognition of the time required to prepare for and attend meetings, the student Board member shall receive a scholarship equivalent to six credit hours of tuition per semester. The student Board member shall be reimbursed at the same rates as district employees for mileage incurred for authorized travel or for necessary expenses incurred while on district business at conferences or professional meetings. Authorized travel includes mileage, reimbursement for attending meetings or events at the District Office or at the colleges and meetings and events directly related to the student Board member's role and responsibilities at non-district locations. Mileage reimbursement and travel reimbursement will be approved by the Board President. 

AMENDED June 13, 2023
AMENDED August 27, 2019, Motion No. 10624
APPROVED April 23, 2019, Motion No. 10610