Current Meeting Schedule

Current Meeting Schedule

To view previous board meetings, click here.

In addition to the meetings listed below, it is possible that additional special sessions, work sessions, or retreats may be held as needed. The legal notices for these meetings will be posted on the Governing Board Website, as well as outside the Governing Board Room located on the second floor of the District Support Services Center.

Questions? Please contact the Board Assistant at (480) 731-8889.

Regular Board Meetings

The MCCCD Board's business meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) and are currently being held at: Conference Center at Rio Salado (Main) 2323 W 14th Street Tempe, AZ 85281 - 1st Floor 

Citizens Interim
The Board sets aside a portion of each agenda to hear from citizens on items of general concern. In compliance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board does not discuss nor take action on general issues that are raised during this portion of the meeting agenda. When necessary, these will be taken under advisement and placed on a subsequent agenda. 

Action Items
Action Items (login with MEID/password) are due two Fridays before the Second Tuesday of the month by noon. Please check the schedule below for specific dates. 

Emeritus Items
Are due from District Strategic Staffing on the Monday, one week prior to the Governing Board Meeting. If the designated Monday is a holiday, they should be received no later than the Friday, one week prior to the board meeting that takes place on the 4th Tuesday of the month.