Governing Board Operations



Governing Board Information

Governing Board Information

The Governing Board of the Maricopa County Community College District  is currently made up of seven persons, five elected from geographical districts within Maricopa County, and two At-Large positions representing the entire county. Board members are elected in staggered years to four-year terms.

Board members meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except July) to direct the activities of the District under powers given them pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §15-1444 . Public notices of board meetings are posted on the Governing Board website and on our calendar.

Meet the Governing BoardSee Recent Meeting


Contact Information

Members of the Governing Board may be contacted by mail at:

Office of the Governing Board  
Maricopa Community Colleges  
2411 W. 14th St.  
Tempe, AZ 85281

Inquiries to the Governing Board Office may be made to the Assistant to the Governing Board at 480-731-8889.


Please note: The Maricopa County Community College District ensures to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities or individuals with Limited English Proficiency. To guarantee the provision of appropriate or reasonable accommodations, please submit your request 48 hours in advance of the public meeting. Without advance notice, we are unable to guarantee accommodations of choice. A copy of all agenda materials will be available after the posting of the agenda of the public meeting in most instances. For a literal translation of this agenda, we recommend Google Translate. For more information, please call 480-731-8889.

Materials disclaimer: All reasonable efforts are made to keep the material on the Governing Board website current, but full reliance can only be made on official records located in the Governing Board Office or Office of General Counsel at the District Support Services Center (District Office).