Protocol for Addressing the Board During Board Meetings

Protocol for Addressing the Board During Board Meetings

The Board sets aside a portion of each Regular Board Meeting Agenda (4th Tuesday of each month) to hear from citizens on items of general concern. In compliance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board does not discuss nor take action on general issues that are raised during this portion of the meeting agenda. If more than 9 requests to speak on the same or similar topic are received, 9 of the similar requests will be presented in the order in which they were received – up to the three minute time frame allotted to each request. If requests for other topics, have been received they will be presented following the same protocol. All requests received will be recorded for historical purposes. Topics may be taken under advisement and placed on a subsequent agenda. DURING COVID-19, please forward your comments to the Board and their Assistant by emailing:

The Board President may also recognize a member of the audience to be questioned or to speak on a specific item that has been scheduled to appear on the agenda.

Initial Address

When addressing the Board either during Citizen’s Interim or as part of scheduled presentation, each speaker shall open by first acknowledging the Board in the following manner:

  • President [last name of Board President], Members of the Board, Dr. [last name of the Chancellor], Members of the Shared Governance Council (SGEC) and guests, my name is:
    • Identify him or herself
      State his or her relevant title
      Identify the group or organization (if any) that is being represented
    • Present remarks within five minutes or as established by the Board President or Board Office [formal presentations]

Responding to Questions

When responding to questions that are presented by Board Members, each speaker shall respond in the following manner:

  • President [last name of Board President], Board Member [last name of the Board Member who asked the question] …
    • Respond to the Question
    • This sequence is followed with each Question presented.