Board meetings will be conducted in adherence with these operational policies:
- Meetings
- Regular - The Board will normally meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Governing Board Room of the District Support Services Center. Meetings may be held at sites throughout the District. The times for each meeting will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting date.
- Special Meetings - Special meetings are called only when it is necessary for the Board to conduct business of an immediate and unanticipated nature, with circumstances that require its attention before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. A special meeting may be called by the President of the Board, or upon request of a majority of the Board’s members.
- Strategic Conversations, Work Sessions, and Community Forums - The Board will participate in meetings that are designed to discuss specific issues or topics and to gather community input regarding the Maricopa County Community College District. Opportunities will be presented either as Strategic Conversations, Work Sessions, or Community Forums and will be held on a date established by the Board. Such meetings will either be held at the District Office or at community sites within the District. The time and location for such meetings will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the established date and time.
- Executive Sessions – In compliance with Arizona Revised Statute §38-431.03, meetings may be called in order for the Board to discuss its position and instruct its attorney regarding matters of pending or contemplated litigation.
Organization of the Board
A. Organization of the Board
The Governing Board will conduct its annual organizational meeting at the first meeting in January. At the annual organizational meeting, the Board shall elect a President and Secretary. These officers shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the members of the Board. Officers of the Board shall serve a term of one (1) consecutive year unless re-elected during the subsequent annual organizational meeting. The Secretary will fulfill the duties of the chair in the absence of the President.
Additionally, and after any election, the President shall appoint Board members to represent the Board in community organizations as needed.
B. Conduct of Elections
The Board shall conduct an election for President first, followed by an election for Secretary. Nominations shall be made for each office. A member may nominate him or herself. Nominations do not require a second. A board member must accept the nomination in order to be considered as a candidate for a board officer. After nominations are completed, each candidate shall have the option to make a three-minute presentation to the board. Following candidate presentations to the board, each board member shall publicly cast one vote. Votes may only be cast for board members who have been nominated and who have accepted that nomination. Board officers shall be selected by a majority vote of the members of the Board. Officers shall assume office immediately upon election, and shall hold the office until a successor is elected.
There are no limits on the number of terms that a board member may serve as an officer.
A board officer who has completed his or her elected term of office is deemed to have vacated that officer position, unless the member is re-elected to the governing board.
In the event that an officer does not complete his/her term as a board officer due to a voluntary resignation as an officer or involuntary termination by the board, a special meeting will be called to fill that position. The newly elected officer shall serve the balance of the existing term of office.
- Agenda
The agenda and meeting materials shall be prepared by the Executive Administrative Coordinator to the Governing Board, as guided by the President and the Chancellor, and delivered to the Board Members approximately four days prior to the regular meeting date.
- Rules of Action
- Quorum
- A minimum of four members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct business.
- Approval of an action item requires affirmative votes from the majority of the quorum.
- Consideration of Policy Matters
The Board will consider proposed new or revised policy twice, first as an informational item; then as a recommendation for approval. Upon a majority vote, the policy will be incorporated into the Board’s policies. - Rules of Order
The Board will be guided by Robert's Rules of Order, subject to the following:
- Items on the meeting agenda that require action shall be placed before the entire Board through a motion made by one of the Board Members. A second to the motion shall be required.
- Appropriate discussion of the item shall be determined by the Board President who shall call for the vote. All discussion by Board Members shall be allowed on any item; however, discussion shall cease upon a motion approved by no fewer than six Board Members to call immediately for the question.
- Any motion may be amended, tabled, discussed, etc. A Board Member may move to amend a pending motion. A motion to amend may seek to add or strike words of the pending motion, or substitute a different motion on the same subject for the one before the Board. When a motion to amend has been moved and seconded, the Board President shall re-state the motion in order that the members of the Board may know what is before them. Discussion on a motion shall be confined to the merits of the proposed amendment.
- Quorum
- Public Attendance and Discussion
- Citizens Interim—The Board will set aside a portion of each agenda to hear from citizens regarding items of general concern. In compliance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board will neither discuss nor take action on issues raised during this portion of the agenda. Public bodies may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on speakers.
- The Board President will, call on each speaker permitting up to 3 minutes for each speaker’s remarks.
- The total number of speakers addressing a particular subject will be limited to no more than 3.
- The Board President may waive the limitations provided in items Ai and Aii.
- Action or Informational Agenda Items
- The Board President may, recognize member's of the audience to question or speak on a specific item on the agenda.
- If an agenda topic is opened up for public comment, the provisions set forth in paragraphs Ai-iii shall apply.
- Members of the public who speak shall not engage in conduct that substantially interrupts, delays or disturbs the peace and good order of the proceeding of the Board, including but not limited to, the use of profane language or obscene gestures, yelling or similar demonstrations, hand clapping, stomping of feet, or the excessive use of noise. Such actions may serve as cause for the Board’s President to direct that the speaker immediately conclude his or her remarks.
- Citizens Interim—The Board will set aside a portion of each agenda to hear from citizens regarding items of general concern. In compliance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board will neither discuss nor take action on issues raised during this portion of the agenda. Public bodies may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on speakers.
AMENDED at the March 25, 2025 Governing Board Meeting
AMENDED March 26, 2019, Motion No. 10606
AMENDED January 23, 2018, Motion No. 10541
AMENDED May 26, 2015, Motion No. 10304
AMENDED December 9, 2014, Motion No. 10263
AMENDED February 22, 2011, Motion No. 9781, 9782