- Voluntary payroll deductions may be made for reputable charitable organizations and programs approved by MCCCD including, but not limited to, employee association dues, gifts to The Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation, US Savings Bonds, tax-shelter annuities, Sun Sounds, KJZZ, and KBAQ, and others. Prior to deductions being made for a particular organization or program, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, on behalf of MCCCD, shall first approve written requests for deductions in accordance with this regulation and Governing Board Policy. No consideration for approval will be given if the charitable organization exists under the umbrella of a larger fund-raising group. (See Appendix AS-4—Voluntary Payroll Deduction Procedures)
- Any organization or program for which voluntary payroll deductions may be approved shall meet the following requirements:
- Principals on behalf of the organization or program shall submit a written request per published procedures to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources for approval to receive voluntary payroll deductions.
- No fewer than one hundred (100) MCCCD full-time Governing Board approved employees shall have expressed interest in directing payroll deductions to the organization or program.
- Principals on behalf of the organization or program seeking approval shall have secured the expression of interest of 100 MCCCD full-time Governing Board approved employees as required in this regulation.
- Principals on behalf of the organization or program seeking approval shall provide the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources sufficient information about the program in order for a determination to be made in accordance with this regulation.
- After review by committee and upon approval by the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, the principals shall submit a request to the Payroll Department to establish a new deduction code at least 6 months before deductions are anticipated to begin. Deductions will be implemented commencing on January 1 and July 1. The request for a new deduction code should be submitted along with a sample form that will be used by participants when making requests for the deduction to begin. The form shall include at least the following information: employee name, location, employee ID, dollar amount to be deducted per payroll, requested date for deduction to start, language authorizing MCCCD to make the deduction, and the employee’s signature and date the form was signed.
- In determining whether to approve voluntary payroll deductions for a particular organization or program, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and committee shall consider the following factors:
- the similarity between the important characteristics of the program and those of a program previously approved for receipt of voluntary payroll deductions;
- the proportion of contributions received by the program that are devoted to administrative costs and expenses, in relation to amounts received by the ultimate beneficiary;
- the degree to which amounts received from voluntary payroll deductions directly benefit residents of Maricopa County;
- the degree to which the program advances the interests of MCCCD employees;
- program consistency with MCCCD Vision, Mission and Values.
- The Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and committee shall consider requests for approval of programs to receive voluntary payroll deductions.
- Any voluntary payroll deduction issues that are not specifically addressed in this regulation require review by the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and/or the appropriate designee.
- As of the date of adoption of this Administrative Regulation, “active” voluntary payroll deduction programs shall be exempted; however, prior programs considered to be “inactive” shall meet the established thresholds and standards outlined in this Regulation to be eligible for reinstatement.
APPROVED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, June 19, 2007