Process for Approving Administrative Regulations

Process for Approving Administrative Regulations

The process for adopting new Administrative Regulations, or amending or deleting existing ones is as follows:

  1. Initiation of an Administrative Regulation by a group or staff member.
  2. Review by the appropriate District Chief Administrator, i.e. Provost, Chief Information Officer, Chief Fiscal Officer, General Counsel or Chief Human Resources Officer.
  3. Submission by the Director for the Office of Public Stewardship of draft Regulation to the leadership of each district-wide employee job representation group. The Director will also send the draft to various leadership and stakeholder councils as appropriate for the topic.
  4. Submission to the Chancellor’s Executive Council as an information item will occur in instances where a proposed change will result in a significant change to the day to day administrative operations. Such determinations will be made by the Director in consultation with the Chancellor.
  5. Internal comment: Draft Regulations placed on Administrative Regulations web page. A notice of the proposed change(s) with justification will be sent districtwide to email address. Comments will be solicited for a minimum period of two weeks and may be sent to the Maricopa Governance e-mail address at: Any questions about the process may be directed to the Office of Public Stewardship via e-mail to:
  6. Comments reviewed for consideration of redraft of proposed language.
  7. Legal counsel review.
  8. Adoption by the Chancellor or return to team for rework.
  9. For the purposes of efficiency and alignment with approved Board Policy, the Chancellor has unilateral authority to approve technical changes to an Administrative Regulation, or to delete those Regulations that pertain to governed practices and conditions no longer in effect. The Chancellor may within discretion, elect to propose such changes through the Administrative Regulation approval process. All such technical changes or deletions of Regulations that pertain to governed practices and conditions no longer in effect will be posted for information purposes.
  10. In select matters that involve litigation, safety, security and privacy, or compliance with Federal Regulations that require an immediate adoption due to compliance timelines, the Chancellor may directly approve amendments or Regulations wherein the absence would place the MCCCD, its human and capital resources at risk or harm. In instances where direct approval occurs, notice will be sent by the Office of General Counsel to the Chancellor's Executive Council and other stakeholders as appropriate.
  11. Approved Regulations in the process of being changed will be posted online at the Maricopa Governance Crosswalk. Approved regulations will be posted online at Administrative Regulations website.