1.2 Financial Stability

  1. Financial stability will be maintained by MCCCD in perpetuity.
  2. Financial stability will be measured in terms of a Fund Balance Standard defined as the actual June 30 General Fund Balance as a percentage of actual General Fund Revenues for the fiscal year then ended.
  3. The Fund Balance Standard will be maintained at a minimum of 8% of general fund revenues, and may be modified only by the Governing Board.

AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, April 14, 2003
AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, January 7, 2002
ADOPTED into Governance, September 24, 1996
AMENDED Motion No. 8894
AMENDED Motion No. 8895
AMENDED Motion No. 8896

Founding Source:
Governing Board Minutes, June 28, 1994, Motion No. 8263