Common Pages—Academic Year 2020-2021
2020-2021 (PDF)(Red Line PDF) *updated 4/20/21
Admission Information (AR 2.2.2)
An amendment was made because the Directors of Admissions & Records/ Enrollment Services may need more than one form of documentation from a student to make an accurate domicile decision (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, June 30, 2020).
Transfer Credit and Prior Learning Assessment Policy (AR 2.2.4)
When the Admissions & Records office receives official transcripts from external institutions, the Admissions & Records office will utilize the transferring institution's grading scale when evaluating transfer credits. The adjustment to the common pages is not making a change to current policy but to clarify the current practice already in place for external institutions that use a +/- grading scale. For institutions that have a C- grade below a 2.0 (typically a 1.76), this is below a C grade on a 2.0 of a 4.0 scale and is non-transferrable to the MCCCD colleges. Academic departments will have the flexibility to approve a C- grade to allow a student to meet placement requirements into a higher-level course (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, June 30, 2020).
Transfer Credit and Prior Learning Assessment Policy (AR 2.2.4)
Housekeeping Change - Standard Exam Scores were updated (AMENDED by Direct Approval from the Provost, April 20, 2021). 1.) Flat Administrative Fee: The change reduces the cost for students; Students may be more likely to pursue PLA, which could actually generate an overall increase in utilization of this fee and money brought in. Most importantly, the change in policy and practice could positively contribute to the District’s Student Enrollment Management Plan, which focuses on what is best for students' success, including reduced time to degree completion, while increasing enrollment. 2.) Industry Recognized Credentials: Not assessing a fee for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) of industry recognized credentials provides a streamlined path for students so that they can pursue an educational award without duplication of courses or loss of potential credit. Recognizing industry credentials provides an appropriate balance of consistency, flexibility, rigor, and academic program integrity and uses a course-equivalency model to determine the award of credit (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, June 30, 2020). *For the full justification of changes to the administrative regulation 2.2.4, please contact the Office of Public Stewardship.*
Transfer Credit and Prior Learning Assessment Policy - PLA and Transfer Disclaimer (AR 2.2.4)
The change adds a PLA and Transfer Disclaimer (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation Process approval process, June 30, 2020).
Grading (AR 2.3.3)
The Directors of Admissions & Records/ Enrollment Services have discovered errors in grading after the 60 day period allowed for appeals in the 2.3.5 Instructional Grievance Process. Upon thorough research, the Directors of Admissions & Records/ Enrollment Services and instructor of record or the Department/Division Chair need the ability to change a grade and thoroughly document the circumstances on the student’s record (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, June 30, 2020).
Sexual Harassment Policy for Students (AR 2.4.4)
Rescinding AR 2.4.4 Sexual Harassment Policy for Students as it is replaced by AR 5.1.16 on the effective date of August 14, 2020 (RESCINED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, August 3, 2020).
Disciplinary Standards (AR 2.5.1)
On May 6, 2020, the Department of Education released the new Title IX regulations with an implementation date of August 14, 2020. On the implementation date the regulations and all provisions therein carry the full force of law. These regulatory changes narrow the definition of sexual harassment, provide additional layers of due process for all parties, and provide for live hearings with cross-examination. These new regulations have required that we rewrite the District’s Title IX policy. The recommendations and revisions to section 2.5 of the Administrative Regulations are in relation to the implementation of the new Title IX regulations. (AMENDED by Direct Approval from the Chancellor, August 11, 2020).
Student Conduct Code (AR 2.5.2)
On May 6, 2020, the Department of Education released the new Title IX regulations with an implementation date of August 14, 2020. On the implementation date the regulations and all provisions therein carry the full force of law. These regulatory changes narrow the definition of sexual harassment, provide additional layers of due process for all parties, and provide for live hearings with cross-examination. These new regulations have required that we rewrite the District’s Title IX policy. The recommendations and revisions to section 2.5 of the Administrative Regulations are in relation to the implementation of the new Title IX regulations. (AMENDED by Direct Approval from the Chancellor, August 11, 2020).
Veteran Services (AR 2.9)
An amendment was made in order to bring the current regulation into compliance with the Veterans Benefits and Transaction Act of 2018 (AMENDED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, October 21, 2020). The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has changed the name of its program from The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment to Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E). The name change is reflected on the VA’s website and was effective June 2020 (AMENDED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, April 14, 2021).
Recording of Faculty Lectures (AR 3.4)
The regulation was called Taping of Faculty Lectures; however, has been renamed Recording of Faculty Lectures. The administrative regulation needed clarification on the issue of posting all or part of a class lecture on social media sites. This had not been a part of the existing regulation. This change will also codify the conditions under which a student with a qualified disability may record lectures and what must be done with those lectures when the class is finished. These changes will also provide faculty more instructions on how to alert students of the prohibition on recording lectures (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation approval process, April 20, 2021).
Additional Policy Violations (AR 5.1.9)
An amendment was made to ensure compliance with revised Title IX regulations that became effective August 14, 2020 (AMENDED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, November 16, 2020).
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (AR 5.1.16)
On May 6, 2020 the U.S. Department of Education released the new Title IX regulations with an implementation date of August 14, 2020. On the implementation date the regulations and all provisions therein carry the full force of law. These regulatory changes narrow the definition of sexual harassment, provide additional layers of due process for all parties, and provide for live hearings with cross-examination. These new regulations required that the MCCCD Title IX policy be rewritten (ADOPTED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, August 3, 2020). Changes were recently made to this administrative regulation in alignment with the Department of Education’s release of the new Title IX Regulations. Upon implementation of the revised regulation within the Maricopa system, it was determined by the Associate General Counsel that language in the current regulation regarding mandatory dismissals is not part of the new regulations and should be removed. The language appears in Section XX (5) Dismissal (Mandatory and Discretionary). Language in items 3 and 4 was removed. In addition, technical formatting cleanups were made to the numbering convention in that section (AMENDED by Direct Approval by the Chancellor, September 16, 2020).
Residency for Tuition Purposes (S-1)
An amendment was made because the Directors of Admissions & Records/ Enrollment Services may need more than one form of documentation from a student to make an accurate domicile decision (AMENDED through the Administrative Regulation Approval Process, June 30, 2020).